
Large GM SUVs are known for the climate randomizer feature.

Judging by the picture above, Twitter would be nice.

How did you guys know that I just found this show and have been watching it non-stop for like 5 days??? GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!

I wonder if perhaps this is an expansion to another game in the same way that the F-Zero X is.

The van gods find your lack of faith disturbing.

Oh. Just. No. No. So much no.

Fred Haise was also the commander of the Enterprise during its atmospheric tests.

I love that you guys posted an inordinately huge version of the meme in question in the article. Thank you! :D

Y-Wing had a turret on it, too.

You shut your mouth about the TIE Defender!

Needs to come to JFK.

Alissa, not for nothing, but the costs associated with building subways in a European city are wholly irrelevant to the matter here. Do you have the faintest idea what the underbelly of Manhattan looks like? Pipes, electrical, and data lines are strewn about, and some of it is completely unknown because the records

Still, a Technology Demonstrator is a long way from a functional space shuttle. The price tag will go up dramatically the moment they try to stick so much as a monkey on board that they expect to recover alive and unharmed, nevermind a human that they genuinely care about.

So try Crouton. Boom, full Ubuntu (or other distro) ready to rock. I took my Chromebook with Crouton on a trip that included a six hour flight, and had no problems whatsoever playing movies and doing anything else I wanted to do in my Ubuntu environment on my new 2015 Toshiba Chromebook 2 with a Celery 3215 in it.

Guess he got trolled.

Actually, this is what a cult is, by very definition:

I’m just enjoying all the comments from the SSM lapdogs which tell the whole story. Who’s liking and supporting the comments from them? Other SSMers. Shocking.

Hey Berners, THIS is what a rigged election looks like. :P

Pardon me, I’m going to the bathroom so that when I die of joy and void myself, I don’t leave a mess for everyone.

Still literally the worst cliffhanger ever. And I don’t mean it’s killing me, I mean it’s so aggravating that they were so sure we wouldn’t come back to see the resolution of it that they had to just hold back the whole thing. As a result, I’m done.