
Of course, it is times like this that I keep in mind that Jobs was more businessman - and a smarmy one at that - than computer whiz. And an awful human being to boot.

Woz, on the other hand, will forever have my admiration as a true geek. And of course, Captain Crunch himself. :)

It wasn't a "legitimate rape," apparently. This shit makes my blood boil.

You're an awful person. I really hope that you die - painfully - before you ever experience a rape, and then the same treatment you give other rape victims happens to you.

What an asshole you must be. I sincerely hope that you are never raped, because I know that if it happens, whenever you are finally brave enough to come forward about it, there will be people just like you, telling you exactly the same things, that you are responsible for what happened to you, and even that you

I think they're also doing it wrong. The 6+ units that have bent all seem to be around the buttons, so (somewhat obviously), there must be a weak point around them. I'd be curious to see those tests again putting the pressure point near the buttons.

This quote alone changes all my feelz about this horrifying travesty:

"Again, there's a chance that the story is a parody, but I hope it's not. I don't know about you, but I really like the idea of Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles existing on the same website that hosts hundreds of stories about Draco and Harry

You mean "kept in a refrigerator with four other corpses," right?

lol @ Hamas

lol, am I the only one who ended this story thinking "That poor fish!"

Also, it's kind of one of those "bowl of petunias" moments.

Now playing

Who came up with these laws? Oh, wait, I have an idea.

Oh, the ALSA lulz.

Formatted the wrong drive on a client's machine. :D

Oh, and I haven't tried it, but I've heard Big Flats that you can get from Walgreens is just about the worst thing that ever existed.

Yuengling? Really? I mean, I do appreciate the honesty you put into that nomination by not even trying to justify your statement. It says more about you than the beer, tbh, but I had to call you out on the nomination here.

Lair! The proper term is LAIR!

Well now if that isn't just the craziest idea for a porno I've ever heard.

But if I understand... they say it was his school district account, not a personal one??? That should be a firing offense right there.

The 12 year old and 14 year olds should've been allowed to just become Darwin Award contenders. If you're that old, and not diagnosed mentally impaired, and you swallow high powered magnets for funsies, just... wow...

As George Carlin put it: "When I was a kid, the kid who swallowed too many marbles didn't get to grow

As djhopscotch noted, carbon fiber in particular can "hide" damage, and is actually remarkably sensitive to certain types of impact damage. It's why CF hasn't made its way into cycling arenas where weight isn't crucial, such as, say, mountain biking or downhill.