
Personally I've always been lucky to have superb hearing (except for that time when the doctor gasped "There's something GREEN in your ear! Like, NEON GREEN!!!" That turned out to be a remnant of a wax earplug for swimming that my overzealous self had kind of packed in too tightly, and remained from the previous

I see what you did there?

I don't know why but this comment sent me into a laughing fit. Thank you.

Sir! I resent your remark that we are solid gold-plated cockfaces! I happen to be a poor lesbian Yankees fan, thank you very much.

I'm kinda with you on that, I couldn't help cracking up.

But no, really, cousin-fucking? Who are we? Texans?

You need to write crime or detective novels. This is epic. :D

That's hardly "a few feet" from the ground. The pilots made the decision to go around probably 30 seconds before, given the time it takes for the 767's engines to respond to throttle advance, spool up to speed, and actually start gaining altitude.

Dangerous, yes, and definitely a screwup, but let's at least be accurate

I just have to say, if you don't love Springsteen, you cannot call yourself a fan of true rock and roll. Just that simple.

If you don't, then that's ok, but just remember that he defines rock and roll, and will until the day the last person who saw him live dies.

Well he *was* wearing a red shirt.

"You are a whining rotter." My score was 1.8666...

Severodinsk killed Dumbledorsk.

Only guess I can offer is that the ballasting system didn't work right (and I'd imagine that a ship of that size would have one).

Ya know, a cop was killed here just responding to a domestic disturbance. Bad form.

And this, folks, is why I use Etymotic. No doubt about their quality or audiophile chops, no stupid markups just because (in comparison), and also, nobody trying to kill me for them on the subway. And oh yeah, I can actually hear them on the subway without deafening myself. Bonus there.

I would suppose that this is probably the best possible way to have a government drone show up at your house.

I just watched that episode of Air Crash Investigation last night!

Parker has been loud and proud about calling out RuPaul's behavior and the issues within drag culture of misogyny and transphobia. The drag and cis gay male groups, as well as two prominent trans women, Calpernia Addams and Andrea James have selected her for a special transmisogynistic flogging, and in some cases,

Any word yet on what happens when she goes rampant?

That HAS to be some sort of fire occupancy violation.

I have to say that as much as I want Harold back too, we have to remember the death of the old homeless man in Groundhog Day. Sometimes people just die.

Besides, would life really be so precious if it cannot be taken away from us?

I had the distinct pleasure to meet him once, and it will now be a prized memory.