
Thanks for saving me the effort of typing all that out. I’m with you 100%. I couldn’t care less if there’s no season 2 of TGT. As much as I love those guys, the show is atrocious.

The first Late Night show was created in 1954, on NBC. Its simple format of opening monologue, celebrity interviews, audience participation, comedy bits, and musical performances, has been copied endlessly and now there are multiple versions of the same late night show, all successful. Multiple comedies of a group of

I want a Judge-Gallo-Stanton HR derby this year. Only those three though, get it over in an hour.

Well, since “I got it I got it I got it” isn’t really accurate... bells?

Hitting someone in the ribs with a pitch...alright. Whatever.

Perhaps it’s 3-1 lead poisoning.

May I live to run a sub-4:45 marathon at age 70.

Well now that its not “The Cell” or “Comiskey” i guess I’ll call it “Other Side of The Wall Field”. Beats Guaranteed Rate

Which Deadspin editor

Go Raptors.

“a 9 to 5 job where I get treated like a human, at this point.”

I’m 99% certain that if I somehow managed to get a helmet onto my cat, he’d walk backwards into a wall trying to back himself out of it.


That’s why you don’t take a gun to an “other guy has a gun too” fight.

That was literally one of the best sports questions I have heard.

Mark Wahlberg in:

Considering it’s been going on for over 60 years, I wouldn’t expect them to get tired of it any time soon.