With this one conversation Lamar Jackson is now a closer friend than any other member of Rodgers’ family.
With this one conversation Lamar Jackson is now a closer friend than any other member of Rodgers’ family.
“I for one would like it if people stopped thinking about my safety.”
No, if such a car existed we’dve read some coverage about it by now.
A brand new, high performance, mid-engined, V8 car with a warranty for only $60k? You’re out of your mind! That would be a crazy bargain! No manufacturer would do that!
Or..or for 60k... you could have a better looking car, with the same performance a mid engined V8 & a warranty...
Gas pricing may provoke the most irrational responses of anything in our society today. If these locations advertised that they were giving away $20 to every visitor, you’d get far more people thinking “nah, it’s not worth my time.”
Probably trying to nudge another plane off the racing line and misjudged it.
For the remainder of the preseason, Nagy will make Long barf on the exact same spot of the field until he gets it right.
Its amazing how up in arms you get AFTER the fact.
good article but i weep for the amount of shit you’re going to get for it
Antonio Brown is best example of a WR as a finely tuned instrument since Joe Horn.
When it first happened I thought the Steelers had gotten robbed. M. Night Shyamalan Twist: They were the robbers all along!
As a Steeler fan, those 2nd & 4th round picks are looking better & better every day.
This is going to ruin Albon.
That team only focuses on one driver at a time & no one has seemed to get any enjoyment from being Max’s teammate.
First LT2 available to drop into an MX5
And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for you meddling Kinja commenters!
“A word, please?”
It was intentional.
This reply is burfict.