
For anime before 2000 it’s in my top 5.  Probably for shows that started before 2010 as well.

It’s worth mentioning when doing an article about HxH that Togashi also penned one of the greatest stories of all time before starting HxH that being Yu Yu Hakusho.

ATC landed the plan and the passenger followed instructions.

I’ve never been to an F1 race, but being from Michigan going to Montreal is on my list.  Miami is out.  COTA is a maybe and I’m 100% certain Vegas won’t have me.

I’d argue it doesn’t buy happiness, but it keeps away certain things that would be classified as “unhappiness.” Not being able to eat a meal or the stress of not making a mortgage/rent payment and other things that you need money for.

I’ll enjoy the Indy 500 this month, but it won’t be because I’m going to the Indy

Where is the roast?

Best of luck Rory.  I stopped reading a while ago.  I missed these guys, but the invasive ad experience, horrible kinja experience, and what ownership did to Deadspin was my exit point.  I am sure your content is good.  I just wish it was available somewhere else.

The clues were there all along.  It was obvious all along... but only after you find out about it.  That was definitely a twist I did not see coming.

I’m still not certain Wanda is in full control.  I do think she’s doing this, but I’m not certain she’s choosing to do it.

I found the movie to be just OK. Mostly because Max Lord did nothing for me as an antagonist. The other part that made it just OK is what this article hypothesizes as what makes it great.

When they found out the wish stone was an object created by one of the gods I was like oh hey all that stuff we found out at the end

Everyone needs to follow her on twitter.  She’s as geeked out about this as we are.

So a few things.

The episodes of The Mandalorian were called chapters.

The new Boba Fett story is called “The Book of Boba Fett”

Star Wars Twitter and Disney+ both say “All episodes of the Mandalorian are now available.” There’s no “season 2" qualifier there. I believe this was the final chapter in this book. I also

I too noticed and went.  All 4 of these characters are women and it isn’t forced.  This is the seemless way to do what they tried to do in the big Avengers battle.

I too am happy I got it I feel like for $3 something a month.  I have an 8 year old it was always going to be the most necessary streaming service in our family over the 3 years.  With all this great content if you made me pick between Hulu, Disney and Netflix I’m keeping Disney

Lots of concerns over CR originals that recently became a thing.  GOH was amazing.  CR was always fanservice.  Seemed like legalized fan-subs.  Funimation seemed like a company out to make money.  Similar to your thoughts I have serious reservations about this.  If CR had acquired funimation I would feel completely

Who calls him the child?  That's baby yoda

I feel like knowing who the watch is unlocked a greater appreciation.  That and knowing who Ahsoka Tano is.

The comments don’t work for shit and have already been axed on scab sites. I’ve stopped reading Jalopnik because the comments are so useless and the user experience so bad. I only came back to farewell Oppo.

It’s an endurance race with co-drivers.  I’m not picking against Tander/SVG or Whincup/Lowndes or even Waters/Davidson.  Scotty has a good shoe in Slade, but he will not have the strongest co-driver of the weekend that’s for sure.

Umm the article is not totally correct.  McLaughlin won race 28 (Saturday) and 29 (Sunday morning) to increase his points gap from 259 to 299 and then finishing ahead of Whincup was all that was necessary to seal it in the final of 3 races for the weekend, but he did indeed need to rack up some wins this past weekend.