
Don't do this to me. Don't give me hope.

I would suspect Jalopnik would not link to a competitor

I haven’t seen this show nor am I likely to ever, but I can’t stand the “Robpine” name. Make it “Robopine” or “Robupine”. Otherwise it just sounds like an obscure relative of Chris Pine’s.

Entertainment costs are like thermodynamics. The first rule is you can’t win, the second rule is you can’t break even, and the third law is that even if you win or break even in the short term, they’ll get you in the end.

I thought that perhaps I was a bit silly for going all in on the 3 year deal since I missed out on the Hulu Plus and ESPN deal (I pay full price for Hulu Plus too). However, seeing that Disney is increasing prices I’m not feeling as silly after all, though, I’m still paying extra for Hulu Plus and don’t get ESPN.

Well, if a lifetime of watching anime has taught me anything, it’s that there’s never any negative consequences of two powerful things merging into one massive powerful thing.

Part of me is happy, I had to drop FUNimation from the streaming budget, so if this means I will regain access to titles I’m missing out on (that aren’t on Hulu), then that’s great.

The other part of me is worried though, Crunchyroll has not been perfect, but they tend to feel more like a community, more fan based over

Honestly I’m adding this to my head canon alongside the cult-who-desperately-need-showers telling Mando to never reveal his face. Basically everyone he meets just trolls him and there’s a galaxy-wide contest over who can get him to believe the biggest whopper for longest.

Filoni bringing the goods! Dawson was well cast, I think she did a good job bringing Ahsoka to life despite very high expectations, and seeing the dual white lightsabers was a thrill.

This episode reminded me quite heavily of this game Especially, for some reason, the Stormtrooper dialogue.

May I make a small suggestion? Check out the last four episodes (9 through 12) of Clone Wars series 7 before next week’s Mando. You’ll miss a *ton* of backstory but it’s effectively a movie in its own right. Not only is it maybe the best two(ish) hours of Star Wars for years but it’ll give you a really good

Since I got this wood chipper? Fewer.

I’m not a huge gamer, but I started Portal and Portal 2 during the lockdown and I find the endings to both games so immensely satisfying in so many ways. I’ve had to play through both several times now, in part just to get back to those endings.

So in thinking about this team-up I started thinking: what if Berlanti and Co. grabbed the right folks, sent them the proper costume and Zoom backgrounds, and did a one-off SuperFriends group call short for charity? You wouldn’t need a full episode, or even to mention These Unprecedented Times. It wouldn’t be beyond

Makes me wonder if anybody is hanging out in the Swiss Family Robinson's treehouse. 

If we want to look at a silver lining to this, then just remember: the last season of Daredevil came out in October 2018, so when filming finally starts for the third Spider-Man film, it might already be two years since then, and thus they could use Matt Murdock as Peter Parker’s lawyer.

2 Rogue 2 Rebels

There once was a lover of a Hutt,

His code-name was “Fulcrum.” They could call the show that.