
I found the tone odd considering the previous articles on this very site took the tone of the comment above.

It isn’t a tinfoil theory.  In my opinion Rebels truly captures the flavor of the original trilogy.  More so than any other content produced in any genre.  When you look at all the awesome easter eggs he mixed into Rebels without it being a 3 hour long epic of fan service (see Episode IX) it really does seem they just

I didn't know it was in theaters this weekend.  I know this site has covered it considerably, but have not seen any marketing for it at all.

You make a really interesting point.

This was never designed to be part of this chassis and they show some serious issues with how steep the screen comes out from the front. Hopefully with the next generation chassis being designed with this integrated from the beginning it’ll look a bit better.

Everyone hated the look of the F1 halo and those cars were

There’s a Stewart thrown randomly in the article.  Is this done on purpose?

I don’t lock it at work. I lock it at the store. There’s nothing in it ever so it doesn’t matter.

I can somewhat understand not locking a car.  Why would you leave your credit card in your car?  Isn’t that what a wallet or purse is for and doesn’t that go with you literally everywhere?

Small world.  My dad was in the crater of that volcano taking pictures on Friday.  That is a near miss that hits close to home.  No way if they thought this might happen they’re giving tours at that point.

What’s on the cosmetic to do list or do you just work on mechanicals?  Curious where you plan to go next with this Jeep.

Yeah... came to point this out.  Glad someone already did.

The season lasted approximately the length of 2 movies. 3 of the episodes were what I would define as “filler.” Take episodes 1-3+ 7&8 and you’ve got a good movie the length of a movie so I don’t need any excuses for why the movies (there were 3 of them) couldn’t put together a original plot.

This should be the blue

Maybe if Baby Yoda could talk like his meme’s do we wouldn’t need a companion. What was the reason given for him having the Crest? I may have missed it.

I don’t dislike the Crest I just think he needs something more badass. It doesn’t need to be Slave I, but it would be cool to see Mando have a ship that you feel like

The problem with it being a Luke and Leia story is that they weren’t really much a part of the story. Making 7 the search for Luke, introduce Kylo and the first order, but don’t make it about fighting the first order. Han can still get betrayed by Kylo since they’re both looking for Luke and Harrison Ford doesn’t have

File this to the top of the list of questions we still have after season 1. Like #1 on the list. Right behind that let’s put did they really have Ming Na Wen in an episode for 1 small fight scene and to get shot in the belly? I really need her to be alive and tracking Mando next season.

Other assorted questions - Can

I don’t care if that’s the obvious ending I’m on board with it

Did the first scene remind anyone else of the very first episode of Red vs. Blue?

I can now honestly say I enjoyed the Mandalorian much more than the entire new trilogy.  I find myself caring far more about Cara and Mando than I do abotu Rey and Finn.  When i look to new Star Wars content i want more Mandalorian

A dog that is 365 days old (7 dog years) tends to have the same basic maturity of one that is say 21 dog years old.  It is mature at 7.  About the only thing that slows a dog down is getting way up in dog years.  I don’t feel like personality changes much inbetween.  It is hard to understand that people don’t

Interesting choice to make the explination. I think I would have just gone with dog years and yoda (y)ears.

Saw the image for the headline and said if Torch didn’t write this then he’s brainwashed one of his co-workers.

If this isn’t the first time he’s made the comparison it would be plausible to say this references when Ezra pulled her out of time during her fight with Vader at the end of Rebels Season 2.  Which is also exactly the moment I’m referring to of when she could have potentially interacted with Rey.