
So Marvel has said the Disney+ TV shows WILL tie to the movies.  So yeah there’s that.

Rebels showed some sort of ethereal place that Ezra and Ahsoka have “accessed” out of space and time.  I find it EXTREMELY plausible that while in that space Rey’s future could have been interacted with.  I’m not sure Gandalf is the association I would have made if that’s the story they were going to go with, though

Necessity is the mother of invention. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should nor does it mean it is a good idea.

I believe if you asked JJ though the answer would be the way finder acts as a navicomputer.

You read other websites?  What are they like?

Ryan should do it in an all electric vehicle. It would almost certainly be the record for such a cannon ball run. There is a catch. He is not allowed to call a tow truck. If he is towed it is a failure.

I’d put the odds of failure at greater than 50%. He wouldn’t even need to break the speed limit to set this record

Let’s talk very briefly about Cats.  This very site proclaimed disaster for this movie long before it came out... why hasn’t io9 climbed up on that soap box yet?  It was the trainwreck you obviously saw coming...

Both was a very common order, but yes does not imply that and I always repeated the question.  Rarely if ever was the follow-up answer both.

In fairness the speaker system we had and my speech were very clear.  I’m sure they weren’t paying attention at that point so I just repeated my question.

Nah.  I defaulted to nothing I politely repeated the exact same question.

Plausible that the deserters had modern TIEs and based on what we’ve seen of the modern TIEs they can have hyperdrive. The only TIE we saw on the death star wasn’t in condition to fly. Of all the things capable of taking me out of the storyline the few mentioned in my replies didn’t really hurt the story for me.


Having read the latest Thrawn trilogy I find that plausible.  Force users are how the Chiss navigate hyperspace.

16 hours was when the Final Order fleet launched with their planet killing weapons.

Germain:  read Resistance Reborn.  The last chapter.  Where did all the extra ships and allies come from is told in the book.  Or rather implied.

Kinja is acting up on me so I hope this publishes. I enjoyed the movie. Like TLJ though I have a major bone to pick with it. Hyperspace travel isn’t and has never been instant teleportation. The Rise of Skywalker takes place over the span of 16 hours. In 16 hours

They go to the desert planet (name forgotten)
They go to

I spent my teen years running a drive-thru at KFC. Would you like original recepie or extra crispy?


I think this fits in with fettuccini sauce.

No. Latifi is in the McLaren pipeline. McLaren is the one paying Williams to put him there. Not saying anything about where he stacks up at this point.  McLaren should have a better idea after this year.  I do agree about Russell though. I think he’s a special talent.

The same people who would screw Bernie Ecclestone.  Look him up then lookup the age of his various wives and daughters.  Bernie may even be more evil than Palpatine too.

Finn is totally force sensitive now, right?

Thoughts on some of the things you listed.

If you read Empire’s End you can get a better understanding of where the crews for those ships came from. I always assumed Empire’s end became the first order, but now I feel like it became both since Palpatine basically implied Snoke was a clone.

Chewie already got his medal

The issue isn’t that Ferrari had a bad year.  The issue is that Ferrari should have had a better year.  Realistically they should have been in the title hunt at least until Brazil.  See Blackenstock’s article on the 2019 Ferrari F1 season.