Rather Unexpected

That... seems like a really, really bad way to have coded the game. I mean, if it’s possible for you to typo something as significant as that, and have it still compile and launch, and thus be missed during development?

If it’s possible for software to behave inappropriately due to a typo, you do not *allow* typos.

“All while six fingers—middle, ring, and pinky on both hands—just sit there doing nothing.”

Or alternatively, what they’re doing is holding the controller in a stable fashion.

I play the violin, and I touch-type, and I’ve played a lot of MMOs so I’m pretty agile and accustomed to having nearly every key on the keyboard

They’re idiots.

It’s not pornography so long as there’s an urn involved.

If there’s an urn involved, it’s art.

Uh, what does the age rating for the game or the age rating for movies have to do with streaming?

The danger doesn’t come from the entertainment product, it comes from unfettered communication with fundamentally anonymous strangers.

For decades (questionable) parents have let their kids watch R rated movies because

Yeah, it’s almost as if the kid would have been absolutely 100% safe from this particular crime had he not been streaming.

Totally irrelevant.

After all, we shouldn’t focus on protecting the most vulnerable people via age restrictions and child labour laws - we should focus instead on eradicating all crime. That’s the

“If they can prove they can handle themselves against the creeps”

Why should any child EVER be handling themselves against creeps on the internet?

“Your kid’s at a seedy bar at 3am?”
“It’s cool. He’s got a knife.”


“The most successful youtubers and streamers are the ones with editing skills under their belts...”


So... funny thing - age restrictions? They exist as an absolute protection for the most vulnerable; that if you’re in this age group, you cannot become the victim of a certain crime committed via this service, because you are not using this service.

What YOU sound like... is someone who bizarrely thinks that children

Yeah, I mean it’s like he’s saying a 12 year old would have never been exposed to the threat of this particular brand of criminal activity if age restrictions had been enforced...

It’s *almost* like he’s suggesting that crime is an inevitable shitty fact of life, and that we should maybe focus first on ensuring that

“Hey, she was only underage by like, a year!”

“Finally, it’s not a fad. Fad’s don’t last over a decade.”

Over a decade! Wow! That’s the biggest amount of time EVAR!

I mean, can you even imagine how long a DECADE is!? That’s like... ten years! Nothing has lasted that long before!

Oh... wait. World of Warcraft is 14 years old.

Eve Online is 15 years old.

I guess that

“Pretty much everyone else has come to realize it’s how things are <for> now.”


Nothing in this world is permanent. Anyone who would think otherwise is either a child, or stuck in a childish temporal perspective... Or are we forgetting the events of the 20th century? - that in a single lifetime, we went from

“You realize some people on Youtube make a lot more money than they would at “real job” right?”

Child labour laws in the west exist to protect children against exploitation, and the disruptive influence premature work and the responsibility of wealth-acquisition has on child development.

A lot of people here condemn the

False equivalence - comparing the medium to something that is consumed via the medium.

Streaming games is not a thing that exists on its own. It is the consumption of another form of entertainment - it is the difference between the food, and alternate ways of eating the food.

Somebody saying that westerners eating with

“entertainment industry is a real job. also, the kid is fucking 12, he cant exactly go to mcdonalds and sign up.”

Pick your stance. You can’t have both. Child labour is illegal in the west for obvious reasons.

Either streaming is a real job, in which case you should be arguing that no 12 year old should be doing it...

“You realise streaming been going on for years right?”

World of Warcraft is older than streaming.

I’m just putting this out there, because a lot of young people keep going on about how streaming has existed for “like, so long”.

It hasn’t.

So, funnily enough, we don’t let kids get “real fucking jobs” because it’s not appropriate, child labour inevitably degenerates into a form of slavery, and the kids who work too young usually have their childhood and personal development screwed up.

Yet it’s... okay for a 12 year old to be putting in the hours, making

“People love spectator sports, and streaming is just another version of that.”

No, it’s not. It exists in a very different psychological realm. Spectator sports are about watching players competing, while commentators discuss the game.

There are examples of this in gaming, of course (personally I enjoy the Eve Alliance

“It isn’t necessarily watching someone stream, it’s interaction with people while something fun is happening.”

And by interaction of course you mean,

Meme reference
Other meme reference
Meme reference duplication
Somebody trying to get the attention of the streamer

“these types of videos have existed for a long time”

No, they haven’t. Not unless you’re in your early twenties and think ten years is like... FOREVER, woah.

“Still remember how Subnautica got slammed for firing-”

-The guy who did their music and sound, and contributed in a major way to their success, over comments he made as an individual, based on his personal political views, that in no way represented the company?

Yeah, we all remember that one.

Because apparently it’s