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    Hoover was a top-ten all-time monster in the U.S. government rankings. I think Comey just got played by the Congressional GOP, who didn’t even know they were playing him.

    Comey, a lifelong Republican—John “Eagles Soar” Ashcroft’s deputy AG ferchrissakes:

    Easy. Your country Our species is full of terrified, racist, sexist assholes.

    If I ever had witty retorts, I’m definitely out of ‘em now, so....

    Mormons make up a big chunk of the State Department, too; somehow they managed to work under HRC and not assplode.

    She... did release the e-mails. That’s what the FBI was reading to see if she should be in trouble.

    Okay, Sparky, let’s play fill-in-the-blank: “the U.S. never uses military force overseas and __________________ results.”

    The greater good is forcing change in a broken system.

    Yes. I’m a youthful 145.

    FTFY, Suze:

    Your namesake would not approve of your lame-ass comment, gotta say.

    Someone, I forget who, noted that this “voting my conscience” bullshit is the exact opposite of conscientious behavior. Conscience is what makes you serve the greater good by doing things that may or may not actually be personally gratifying to you.

    Remember, it’s a FACT that Hillary has a secret assassination squad that has killed dozens of people who politically opposed her.

    No, he really doesn’t. Comey clearly thought he wasn’t violating the Hatch Act; one can disagree with him on that point, but the notion that he hadn’t thought about it is laughable. At any rate partisan activity has to be pretty explicitly partisan in content, not just effect. He went against DOJ protocol, yes, but

    Harry, muh man, I know you think you’re helping, but you’re NOT. FUCKING. HELPING. Jeebus, Comey may be an omnishambles toolbag at the moment but he’s also a lawyer and veteran federal employee who does not need to be taught Hatch Act 101 again.

    Kaine would get to nominate someone, who would then be subject to confirmation by both houses of Congress, so he would not, in fact, get to appoint anyone.

    Unless they impeach Kaine. Then they get Ryan and a constitutional crisis, both of which suit the GOP juuuuuust peachy-keen fine.

    Ames, just... no. Move on, kiddo. You can be funny, I’ve seen you do it, hell people pay you to do it--go ahead and focus on that, cuz social commentary is, well, not your thing.

    Calm down, kids, they can BOTH be the Shkreli of Congress.

    Peaches great, tomatoes terrible--I’m not seeing a problem here. Thanks, Obama, indeed!

    But Lord Xemu said I shouldn’t play with E-Meters!