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    When I moved away, I wanted to bring the City Museum, manageable traffic, sub-$10 lunches, and a bunchacruncha other stuff as well. But at least now I live in a credible nuclear-strike target, so I got that going for me. Which is nice.

    Just go to this museum and get all the exhibit-touching out of your system before you go to the priceless-artifact repositories.

    Thank you! There are, by my count, eleventy billion ways she could've done all she says she did legally. It was 20 years ago and she may be a shade fuzzy on which visa classifications are which.

    This is the kind of thing that should carry a much, much more severe penalty. Like, life in prison.

    Part of me is saying “Hope Solo is an asshole and we should retreat to minimum safe distance” and then I’m like, “wait a minute, for once a woman has a job because she’s the best at it despite being an asshole, which has been SOP for dudes since 75,000 BC.” Ben Rothlisberger, for instance, still has a job with very

    Can we keep him in strategic reserve? I think his hair could forestall any potential energy crisis...

    Oy. So, I get why they’re doing this with this particular defendant—if you’re going to get the death penalty ruled unconstitutional in all circumstances, your test case needs to be Multiple-Murdering Mini-Hitler so that a) you are for sure going to have a death sentence to work with in the first place and b) on the

    Still super cute how you guys think it’s more important that you feel good about yourselves than it is that civilization continues to exist.

    To some extent it depends on the crowd, but in general there are very few faux pas that can’t be erased with an apology. Those who really belong in what Emily Post called “best society” would be very quick to forgive and forget.


    Big ups to Bernie for signing the scorecard in the manner he did. Don’t cry for him, Berniemania—he kept his promise, don’t keep your distance.

    “Crazy asshole” is a cross-demographic phenomenon, as we always knew but often forget.

    I mean, if you’re leaving through GCT, you can’t be going very far, though.

    I think Powers Boothe would be suitable. He has that oily southern baritone that fits the character nicely, IMO.

    I support pretty much everything about this.

    Well, degree-holding, at any rate. They’re “educated” as objects of a transitive verb; whether they’re “educated” adjectivally is another matter.

    I think I’ve found the commonality here:

    To me the depressing thing is that no matter who wins the election, we seem to have reached the point (on both sides, to some extent) where everyone’s bespoke information supply has shattered the concept of objective reality.

    There were seven women behind her, as will happen when you win an eight-woman race.

    She’d have a rough time winning the crucial vampire-town vote, tho.