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    No womantic wed woses to be had at nonsuicidal prices, I'm afraid.

    Guaranteed nonpander. Missouri is at least conceivably in play (Dems have three-quarters of statewide offices) but Kansas is red to the core. Guy just somehow grew up rooting for a particular team for no particular reason and stuck with it.

    This must be what going mad feels like.

    A major-league pitcher would absolutely notice. They’re freaks of nature and anything that screws with their grip, even slightly, will catch their attention (and the batter’s as the pitcher accidentally beans him because he’s throwing a cue ball). Not broke, don’t fix.

    Word is Twitter, apparently after some deliberation, laid a permaban on Milo the Super Aggro Douchecrag, so at least there’s some retributive justice in the world...

    This was exactly my thinking. Classic red-sauce “Italian” in portable form.

    Never apologize for righteousness.

    How many pairs of tighty-whities have you lost to spontaneous ejaculation upon catching a stranger on the internet committing a minor factual error? I’m guessing I’d be a good deal richer had I just bought shares in Fruit Of The Loom the day before you discovered Kinja.

    Also, “savour.”

    The prospect of getting a sweet suit of power armor is probably having, on me, the opposite of your intended effect.

    I’m in DC. The temperature is 95 and the heat index is fourteen billion. The A/C is set to 70, and at this point I will absolutely defend this course of action at any tribunal future generations may schedule after global warming sinks this whole damn town beneath the waves.

    Only on “show courts”; court 17 is not one of them.

    Looked like it at full speed, yeah.

    Epaulets, not shoulder pads.

    The ball was not over the basket, therefore touching the rim is not a violation in any case.

    Were there any Chile corner kicks, though? You have to miss the goal to get one of those.

    Oh, I agree in general; I’ve said a million times that a bad idea can pass, but a bad idea that has a gun handy is liable to manifest itself permanently. However, this guy had plenty of time to think about it. I have to think he’d have used a knife, or a rock, or his bare hands if he hadn’t had a gun handy.

    Normally I’d agree with you on the NRA aspect, but this one strikes me as some what-evil-lurks-in-the-hearts-of-men shit. Gun or no gun, this guy was going to kill her. The poor girl died of acute testosterone poisoning (by proxy).

    Congressional “conservative” logic:

    Guess I’ll do the Margaret Atwood honors.