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    Exactly. I used to work for a huge nonprofit company (>$5 billion annual revenue) and the local rag liked (likes) to grouse about the CEO getting something like $3 million in total compensation to run it. The boss of a comparably-sized for-profit would be well into eight figures with an equity stake to boot, but

    Remember, everyone: if any government employee makes more than any private citizen, you’re being robbed of your tax dollars!

    Oh, very well. Here’s your monocle!

    [cannot hear the wails of suffering from economy class through noise-canceling headphones in F suite; sleeps like benadryled baby on flying bed; sees house elf’s note]

    Alas, I can only entertain such requests from fellow monocle owners. This is an actual first-class rule that I did not make up.

    Oh, nonono, I was referring to international first class in general. See Qantas, Singapore, Lufthansa, even American. I flew in Qantas first (using FF miles [drops monocle]) and couldn’t even see another passenger without getting up, even with a full cabin (all 11 seats of it).

    I kinda hope this is a Michael-kissing-Fredo sort of thing, with all the fixins.

    Well, you can get the “no neighbors” part on any of a dozen airlines for half the price, harrumph harrumph [adjusts monocle].

    Call me old fashioned, but my sense has always been:

    Y’know those evil Cardinals managed to build a shiny new ballpark without taxpayer funding, just sayin’.

    I suspect s/he’s trying to cram ten pounds of irony into that two-ounce sentence.

    Can I blame the democratic party for running someone who America has rejected a few times now

    What sort of elitist bastard am I to have seen the phrase “Obama’s NV playbook,” and had the first thought be “what does nonvintage Champagne have to do with this”?

    That’s nice, dear.


    Pretty much my only fond memory of Antonin Scalia was when Colbert “bombed” in his WHCD performance. Everyone was in full Mrs. Lovejoy won’t-somebody-please-think-of-the-children mode, but Scalia was falling out of his chair laughing (even at jokes made at his own expense).

    The only accurate statement in this mess is your screen name.

    I had dibs.

    why don’t you steal cars and run from police

    It’s not about them running. It’s their criminal records at such a young age. The world lost nothing with their deaths.