Double birds, cursing at the officials repeatedly, using an anti-gay slur, and nearly succeeding in starting a complete line brawl after time expired should all add up to a suspension, yes.
Double birds, cursing at the officials repeatedly, using an anti-gay slur, and nearly succeeding in starting a complete line brawl after time expired should all add up to a suspension, yes.
Blues fans enjoy watching miserable Blackhawks sit in the box, feeling shame. Also, the broadcast usually runs the penalty details over a shot of the guy in the box, regardless of which team he plays for, and in 85 games they had not captured any of them doing this.
I’m stealing “omnishambles.”
Man, check your charts: babies are like 75% fat, all of it saturated. They’re points on points. Gotta aggressively control the baby intake.
Yeah, but what would you have done with the cheese portion of the cheesecake? BADUMCHING
.... I’ve never had a corn dog
This is exactly the scam they’re taking about, yes. And consular officers are to miserably suckered American tourists what ER nurses are to horrifying skin ailments: they’ve seen them all before, several times, and have come to regard it all with mildly amused despair.
Calling it now: ten games. DPS has no sense of humor on stick fouls.
Be sorry. You propose to do what your screen name bowdlerizes.
Sure, Berniacs don't owe it to Hillary to vote for her. They owe it to themselves and the rest of society to vote MEANINGFULLY against the GOP, though. Don't do anything just to be loyal to the party, I get that, but I don't get the notion that Hillary = Cruz = Trump = Mussolini. That's wack.
Bernie et al. always seem to forget that the Democratic establishment doesn’t owe them shit.
On what knowledge are you basing the notion that they doubled the award? They found that Erin Andrews was damaged to the tune of $55 million. They found that the guy who did that was primarily responsible, but that the hotel that enabled him to do so was culpable in nearly equal measure. So they apportioned liability…
Or, the jury knew exactly what it was doing with a 51/49 split in a non-joint-and-several-liability jurisdiction.
Hotels don’t verify. If you ask to be next to someone they accommodate if they can.
He is, and “Blue Dog” though he is (often accused of being) he’s done his level best to stem the tide of right-wing bilge that spews forth from the Lege, but the GOP has veto-proof majorities in both houses. 72-hour abortion waiting periods were enacted by veto override, to name one convenient example; he did manage…
Many of these are already openly pro-gay equality, either in advocacy, hiring policies, or both. Monsanto, I know, publicly supported the filibuster as well.
It bears mentioning that Marriott, the chain, was not a defendant in this proceeding; the judge dismissed the complaint against them very early on, holding that the chain did not have a duty to micromanage room assignment policies for its franchisees. The defendant is the ownership group of that particular hotel.
Not the owner but his lawyer, iirc.
1) Marriott is not a defendant, the DS summary notwithstanding; the complaint against them was dismissed as the judge held they could not be liable for the negligence of a franchisee or the covert misbehavior of a guest. The defendants are the creep himself, the hotel ownership group, and the hotel operating…
Best I can tell, only Turkish Airlines operates IST-JFK, and they fly a 330-300 on it. It does not have first class; business class has the modern standard lie-flat seats, but they aren’t enclosed, so I suppose it’s possible that passengers in the same seat pair could encroach on one another somehow. Cannot confirm or…