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    At this stage, I’m not sure Donald Trump dropping out of the race would significantly dent GOP-fruitcake support for Donald Trump.

    He had a majority that included:

    Not an oncologist (thank God—that’d be a nightmare for everyone); just recalling family experiences and prior research, so I’m not in a position to figure the probabilities. Find a doc you trust, preferably two, and trust them and yourself. The internet, myself included, talks out of its ass too much to guide

    Eh, you’re both right. All else being equal, “catching it early” is better, but the mere fact that you caught it early (in terms of raw time on the clock from when the first cell went nanners to when you spotted the issue) may or may not be of any use, as aggressive forms can go from zero to metastatic (stage IV) in a

    Pretty much SOP: if the parties in the match refuse to respect your authoritah, you refuse to continue the match unless and until they do. If they never do, it’s an abandonment and the league takes over from there. Doesn’t happen often because most participants will realize they don’t get to pick which of the

    I gotta think that’s the opposite of the issue in the majority of rape cases, which are not generally of the grab-a-woman-off-the-street variety. Most sex crimes are committed by people known to the victim, so the counterparty isn’t going to be someone who could credibly argue “it wasn’t me”; the defense will be “it

    Bingo. The whole “ride at your own risk” thing does not indemnify the carnival from everything that can go wrong, just the risks a reasonable customer would be able to assess and assume.

    “Innocent until proven guilty” ... didn’t consider that means rape victims are assumed to be liars.

    Yup. If it were an adjudicated fact that he’d abused her, we’re probably having a different conversation, but as it stands an otherwise valid contract can’t be dissolved by one party’s allegation. NB I have no reason to, and do not, disbelieve Kesha’s story, but sometimes the law drives a runaway train to Stupidville

    Ted is seriously a pre-alpha half-joke build that some disgruntled QA guy set loose upon the world. That disgruntled QA guy was Lucifer.

    His symptoms are consistent with vitamin-H deficiency, now that you mention it...

    Verily, I did snort libations onto ye olde keyboard and was greatly made wroth.

    “School(s we) could never sniff” must’ve softened their standards since my sniffing days, then. Buy an argument (and a comma or two) and get back to us, Scooter.

    This. I get and use cards for points, perks, and a somewhat more regimented cash flow, not because I feel a need to be able to borrow a gojillion dollars at the drop of a hat. I don’t always zero out the balance every month (I’m paying off a recent trip-of-a-lifetime, for instance, but it’s at 0% so there’s no real

    That’s some good soccerizin’ right there. Jeebus.

    Somehow I believe ilovepolitics is actually an anti-Bernie troll

    And, of course, regardless of how Oz chooses to dispose of their passports, the rest of the world can just deny them entry if they try to travel.

    Well, so far we have one sworn statement that a court felt was credible enough to warrant an order of protection vs.... silence. So yeah, I’m not sure how much more proof is required at this stage. If that’s all the evidence to be placed before us, he’s guilty as sin.

    During his confession, O’Kroley told the police “it was easy to kill” Nosal

    Deigns, not designs. Thanks, autocorrect.