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    A fellow law student who once gave him a ride from New York to Cambridge told the Boston Globe that he immediately asked for her IQ and SAT score

    On the one hand, the DNC did itself and everyone else a disservice with the debate scheduling, which, even if they didn’t particularly intend it to screw Bernie, certainly came across that way. (And DWS probably definitely did do all that on purpose anyway.)

    So... can we abolish the NFL yet? Because it seems to be in need of a good abolishing.

    Like she ever ate that many vegetables. Veggies are hippie commie chow. Palin’s diet is 97% moose and, apparently, 3% LSD.

    No, they’re both equally garbage—and Goodell is garbage with four times the revenue with which to garbage up everything else.

    Hell if I know.

    Said it elsewhere and I’ll say it here: if the DH must be everywhere, let it not be the lock-your-lineup style DH currently offered.

    She was tweeting while trapped in the juror pool assembly room, not during the trial itself, Sparky.

    I am frankly shocked-shocked she didn’t get challenged off. If I were a lawyer, I wouldn’t want a lawyer on the jury; they’d be sitting in deliberations critiquing my performance and mentally excluding all the evidence the judge shouldn’t have let in.

    STL County courts dgaf as long as you don’t actually haul them into a trial proceeding or otherwise make a nuisance of yourself.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but that thing is tacky as hell.

    Or, third way: you realize that in a democracy people will sometimes disagree with you for reasons other than corruption, ignorance, or, I dunno, eeeeeeevilness or whatever, and they get to vote, too.

    1) “What we have now” is not objectively that bad and 2) no, acknowledging political realities is not the same as condoning them.

    Bingo. At this point it’s basically “Unicorn ponies for all!”

    For your crimes, I sentence you to look at this picture of a cute bunny eating lettuce.

    Hello, I have a question: what in the actual fuck does “the establishment” even mean? Because it seems to me that people who rail against it pretty consistently fail to a) define what they mean by “establishment” to begin with and b) explain why “the establishment” is a Bad Thing.

    Could somebody please talk about how all these whiny STL hypocrites stole the LA Rams under the same auspices they’re being stolen back?(Poor attendance, indifferent fanbases, etc.) I’m amazed they have the nerve to act injured when they never should have had the Rams in the first place.

    Always nice to see one of the good guys land on the distant shining shore after sailing a sea of awful shit.

    Fencing’s overtime rule involves a coin flip to determine the goddamn winner if nobody scores, and that’s still a bo-jillion times better than the NFL’s rule.