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    Yes, clearly the academic authorities knew what they were talking about, and Stantz and Spengler were the fuckups for talking about paranormal phenomena and how to control them. We are meant to respect the scientific authorities and Mr. Dickless EPA in this movie, fashure.

    It’s not that complicated to find out who Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones are, either, yet you couldn’t be bothered; you’ll have to forgive me for not bestirring myself to intuit the reasons behind your still-unelaborated opinion of Wiig and McCarthy.

    You and I did not watch the same movie if you got out of that “four scientists who are bad at science.” Egon is brilliant but unorthodox, Ray is brilliant but a bit of a bumbler, and Winston isn’t a scientist at all. Venkman is a screwup, granted, but he’s not incompetent; he’s a womanizing schmuck who’s scamming the

    Ah yes, the “I don’t have a problem with women; I just, by unfortunate coincidence, have a problem with every woman as a unique individual” line of reasoning.

    Or that the original could be diminished by a remake, even if it does suck like a shopvac. Mozart wrote both Requiem and Leck mich im Arsch; one is not affected by the other. If your precious adolescent memories can be tarnished by someone putting a new spin on them (that you don’t have to actually go watch if you


    I dunno. Star Wars leaps pretty readily to mind. It doesn’t have to be the exact same script to be effectively the same thing. The big draw of THG was that the protagonist was a) a girl, b) a badass and c) kind of a bitch but that’s okay!

    And were the assortment of legitimate concerns you bring up regarding remakes in general and this one in particular driving the complaining, I doubt much would be said about it.

    Except that The Hunger Games already exists with a male lead, under the title of Every Other Action Movie Ever Made: Parts XXI-DCLXVI.

    Not sure “controversy” is the right word to describe what surrounds the Ghostbusters remake. “Controversy” implies some legitimate material dispute of facts, interpretations, or values. This is just a mass man-child temper tantrum.

    Of course the government can get mad; you think a little thing like raging hypocrisy would bother that crowd?

    I focus tested MW2 (yes, you do have to know somebody), and this was one of the levels they gave me. I aimed to miss. I’m sure the devs had some sort of betting pool going on the aggregate tester hit rate.

    Man, the first time in a century Deadspin delivers something delicious for Cardinals fans and Cubs fans are already here crying sprinkles on top of our Schadenfreude sundae. Christmas in October. It’s almost worth having lost the NLDS to see the Cubbies get built up for even-more-crushing disappointment.

    Chicago gun owners are White Sox fans.

    Fun fact: the guy who wrote/co-wrote all the Back to the Future movies is a Cardinals fan.

    Please don’t lump Van Halen in with Paul Ryan.

    There are three automatic ejection offenses I can recall off the top of my head. Leaving your position to argue balls and strikes is one of them. Bringing up last inning’s strike calls certainly counts.

    Forfeit clock. Put it up on the scoreboard in huge digits, say 15 minutes, with a warning that if the crowd doesn’t behave before it hits zero, they reap the fate of the Disco Demolitioneers.

    Boy, I bet that immune-suppressing cortisone shot had nothing to do with this. Not a damn thing. Nope, no sir.

    Quick note: the non-postal abbreviation for “Missouri” is still “Mo.” Logboat’s not from Mississippi.