
I had this exact experience with Breath of the Wild. The art direction is superb, but I wish they had spent less time on the breadth (pun intended) of the game, and more on the depth.  Witcher 3 had the right balance, and I think that Zelda could have benefitted from copying its focus.

More like Exodus To Orbit, amirite

Exodus Trash.

Fun gameplay, fun side missions, main story is one note and boring as hell. Thankfully it can mostly be ignored, except for those times you’re minding your own business and having fun and a magical sniper bullet takes you to an unwanted mission you didn’t ask for. “Ha ha! You’ve been captured for the 15th time, and

You need to read burner account names....

Equally hot take: All chocolate is mediocre. You are only fooling yourself that the more expensive imported chocolate is better tasting than the stuff you get here in the states.

“As always, these games are only “free” if you have an active Xbox Live Games with Gold subscription.”

I have this as well - but interest rates are so low at the moment (and have been for years) that savings accounts essentially lose money over time because the “interest” is an order of magnitude lower than inflation.



He’s “incredibly shitty” for having a fetish that doesn’t immediately gel with his partner? To what percentage of the world do you think this situation applies? Are ALL of those people also “incredibly shitty?”

At least his wipers won’t stick to the windshield. #silverlining

That’s literally the first thing I tell him (just in a less ultimatum-y “this is how it needs to be or else” way). Then I offer some other approaches in case he’s still willing to try and make things work.

Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly

Americans had that opportunity during the 2016 election. Americans have this opportunity at virtually every election. Your fellow Americans chose a Republican House, Senate, and Presidency.

There’s this certain toxic Hyper-Consumer attitude that permeates gaming. This self-aggrandizing view peddled by “consumer advocate” YouTubers convincing people who identify themselves as capital ‘C’ Consumers that they and their opinions are the most important things on the planet by virture of spending money. Their

Everything east of Silverthorne is hell. Move to the correct side of the state :)

I guess there’s just a vas deferens in our levels of humor.