
Just follow space ranger Buzz Lightyear, he’s on a mission to destroy Xur

Charcoal is wonderful, but you know what else is pretty good? Turning a knob, pressing a button, and having a hot grill ten minutes later and then not having to deal with a cauldron of ashes a couple hours after the meal. That’s decent, too.

The real problems are games are expensive to make, huge financial risks, and gamers lack the will to avoid these things

Alternatively: people like hanging out with individuals who are some level of charming, intelligent, good-looking, or various combinations of those things thereof. (Same thing applies to people who can fake it, too.)

“Good job out there, Chemosabe.”

It’s not about leading voters to the Democratic side - the Republican nominee for President has won the popular vote only once in the last quarter century (Bush in 2004).

I don’t think you can call any character that has done approximately nothing over the course of 7 seasons of television the “main antagonist.”

Right? Like, I’m sympathetic here. Preservation of old things is an important thing. Culture shouldn’t be allowed to just slip away. But preserving it is an active, expensive process, and we can’t pretend that it’s not.

That fact that someone needed to come up with a term to describe applying self-discipline is completely reflective of the problem. Everything needs to be catchy. Everything needs a hashtag and a meme. Everything needs a blog post.

Then change the photo. I’d have sex with Kate Beckinsale under almost any circumstance I can think of, and many that I have not.

This is probably the closest we’ll get to a Wolverine appearance in Mario Kart 8.

And now for a quick reminder for everyone that free speech does not protect you from freedom from consequences and that the First Amendment only protects you from the government censoring your speech, private organizations can and will punish you for saying racist shit like this. This is because these organizations

Now I’m imagining playing all the way to the Battle of Hoover Dam, all the different factions are clashing, there are bodies everywhere -

It needs to be connected to WiFi so that it can cost $400.

Reality is objectively terrible and probably all for nothing. But the reality for realists may be reality isn’t worth caring about much - at least a lot of the negative stuff since it’s out of our control. We are surrounded by suffering every second of the day; more than any one could feel empathy for without dying

This is me, every time an EVE article gets posted.

I was one of those kids. My mom was a JW and had a whole list of shows I couldn’t watch and games I couldn’t play. To get around it I just watched the Snorks because it was basically the same show underwater, and for He-man I told her it wasn’t magic they were using, they were all alien robots. My dad used to laugh

I agree, but I’m also a big fan of teamwork. I’m thinking the larger shower will help facilitate this.

Importantly, one must remember that there is no such thing as a Golden Showa Day.