Mike Bonds

::sees Big Fish abysmally low, eclipsed by late-career trash::

I’d place Big Fish much higher, especially over Dark Shadows. Yeh, it’s corny at times, but also kinda delightful and the episodic nature of it works well...

Dune 2 was really the only thing left on the calendar I was pumped to see so no problem for me!

The Director’s Guild shouldn’t have caved. They should have stood in solidarity with the writers and actors.

Ah well, I guess I’ll just watch the second half of David Lynch’s Dune to see how it all ends. I’m sure it will make complete sense.

Or stuff like the heart plugs, or Thufir’s weird rat-cat, neither of which are in the book.

This movie gets slagged on a LOT, and for valid reasons, but speaking as a fan who read all the Herbert books through Chapterhouse, and has also seen the SyFy adaptation (not horrible, but ehh) and not yet seen Part 1 of the Villeneuve adaptation, there is are many things about Lynch’s version that I find to be

“I groped a co-star on a movie set, said the n-word where people could hear it and spread some anti-vax stuff on Twitter, so now I’ve gotta go get my HVAC certification.”

can everybody please just fucking shut the fuck up about fucking “cancel culture”. please. please just shut the fuck up about it.

So this is a Horror list, because a disturbing movie list without “A Clockwork Orange” is a very incomplete list.

We shouldn’t, but you can’t tell me you didn’t laugh reading this woman trying to explain the science of why she sleeps with married men while also complaining how unfair it is she hasn’t been able to monetize those affairs.

that list is bonafide!

My own picks, of course:

Dale Gribble would never vote for Trump and I’m sick of people online saying he would.

Not for political reasons. Dale doesn’t vote. The government having access to his address? Get the fuck outta here.

I suspect that experimental fiction is probably the wrong place to look for accurate descriptions of orbital mechanics and heat transfer...

But this wouldn’t stop them, because this union appears either designed to or will generally represent only A list reality stars (there’s a fundamental paradox). The studios would have little problem making the next generation of Big Brother or Jersey Shore with random train wrecks who either have no concept of

To point #2 on your list - It’s also notable that this is pretty much the text, not the subtext, of the movie. It’s stated pretty overtly more than once including when Barbie tells Ken “you’re more than your girlfriend.” This helps to highlight the fact that the right-wing commentators on this issue have largely not

Barbie II: The Wrath of Ken

Including 1999 as a year, and things like the X-Files movie and not including The Phantom Menace or The Matrix (admittedly an April release, but held the attention of everyone for a while) seems...  misplaced?