Mike Bonds

The AV Club was not put on this Earth to “get it”.

He literally only kills one (1, uno, singular) person in First Blood, and that’s mostly through sheer dumb luck. And not even with a gun or knife.

It probably helped that the trailer plays the movie completely straight. There’s no hint that the film is a satire. Even within the movie it’s not until you get a couple of the propaganda clips under your belt that it becomes apparent.

The term “elevated horror” gets thrown around a lot these days, but you don’t hear much about “elevated action.”

Interesting list. One movie that aspired I think to be a subversive action movie but failed was Megaforce.

Kudos to whoever made sure the list goes directly from How to Have Sex to Hundreds of Beavers.

It’s surprising for Grohl to be throwing such obvious shade Swift’s way, first because he’s clearly aware of the consequences of “the wrath of Taylor Swift,” and second because the pair have always been friendly in the past.

“Republican, but I want to smoke pot." 

He’s not on your side and he’s certainly not on liberals’ side. He’s one of the chief anti-vaxxers who can’t stop showering Netanyahu with praise, vehemently hates Muslims, supports restricting immigration, and stacks his panels with discredited right wingers. He’s a hack who has been making the exact same three

I’ve said for years that he, along with Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore, are the leaders of the “Get off my side” brigade.

Stuff like “The State” was stuff that made me aware I was watching something that was clearly hilarious to only the people making it.

I was gonna say. I know a lot of people love that song, and I did too when I was about fourteen. At this point I think it’s a decent-enough Dylan ripoff and think that Simon was lucky to have Garfunkel along. 

A lot of our finest filmmakers never received competitive Oscars. Hitchcock. Altman. Kubrick (except for VFX for 2001, which really should’ve gone to Doug Trumbull). There can be as much honor to be held in the company of those who get overlooked, as there is if one is chosen.

I mean, the Academy has increasingly struggled to recognize comedy. I have no doubt a lot of the prestige drama picks (like Oppenheimer and Killers of the Flower Moon) are deserving. But I do get the impression that’s part of the problem here.

There are some great albums there, but not that many that you might consider the absolute best from that particular artist. Maybe Gram Parsons, and, depending on how you rate Court & Spark vs Blue, Joni Mitchell.

I’m definitely in the Sam Rockwell : Moon camp on this. I saw it completely on a whim at a local indie theater when it released and was just floored. The trope-defying twist for the AI came at me stright out of left field.

Putting Ted Lasso S3 as one of the 10 most disappointing tv shows of the year is utter nonsense. 

Equating Soviet Communism with all of socialism is a bit like trying an apple and declaring you dislike all fruit.

Game Pass has been great this year IMO. Great games and many sticking around for quite some time. i’ve played so many games I wouldn’t have ever bought.

This is a better than normal listicle. I had never read the Natalie Portman or Dennis Hopper stories. Hopper and Ed Harris are VERY different actors.