Mike Bonds

I think we do have to figure out how to let people live things down.

They’re getting ready to cut a bunch of these guys loose.  The recast of the RHONY shook these Bravo cast members.  

It’s an intriguing premise.  I’m assuming that because the sun can’t be seen doesn’t mean it’s not there, or you’re right, there wouldn’t be anyone in the story.

Haunted Mansion and Demeter seemed like odd summertime launches.  Can’t help thinking both of these movies would have done better with fall releases.

Other than the fact she is the best star they’ve got in the best movie they’ve made.

If you’re trying to appeal, you can’t exactly go around saying, “yeah, my bad” after conviction.

They already made Extraordinary. It was called Encanto.

No. I didn’t say “impossible to prove” just “harder to prove.”

Through that lens, the Ken uprising could even be seen as a criticism of certain strains of feminism.” Absolutely, and it’s not the only time when women come in for criticism. How about how the matriarchical Barbie society we see at the beginning has “solved the problem of equal rights” but the Kens don’t matter and

If there’s one big critique of Barbie it’s that it frequently tries to have things both ways, but that’s probably goes with the territory when you’re trying to make a movie for a broad audience.

I don’t need to google it.  It’s facially absurd.

I’ll never understand why Eyes Wide Shut remains a critical darling. Saw it in the theater when it came out, and it hasn’t improved since. It’s a staggeringly boring dud that would probably be recognized as such if it wasn’t Stanley Kubrick’s last picture. Kubrick was never much interested in character, and it shows


It’s not the slam dunk that it sounds like, considering (a) we’re hearing just the plaintiff’s side and (b) these people are on a concert tour where all kinds of weird stuff is probably happening every day.

“Established reality stars” = people who are approaching the reality show “use by” date

Obviously that’s what the plaintiffs want. I’m not seeing a lot here in this overview (which may not fully describe the claims) that are going to qualify as sexual harassment.  “My boss is an asshole” doesn’t make a “hostile work environment” as the law understands it.

At least as big if not bigger.  For people who weren’t around then, it’s hard to believe that, probably.  That book was everywhere for a while.

Do we really need a sequel to this 35 years later, especially after Tim Burton’s already made a series of duds?

This is exactly how this is going to turn out.

I’ll believe it when I read it.