Mike Bonds

I feel like Amityville Horror is a big miss here. Whatever you might think about it, it’s hard to deny its cultural impact, especially at the time.

The Others is rock solid, for sure.

Chris Stapleton.  Chris Stapleton is gold.

I’d say this sums up the small town experience, growing up in one.  They have their charms and benefits, but also downsides as well.  They’re not the horror movie settings that are often portrayed.

From the Picking Nits Department:  Saint Denis is the patron saint of France, not Joan of Arc.

Having read it recently, it was a pretty monotonous, but then again, the lives of addicts probably are fairly monotonous.  It’s pretty clear that Belushi was living a coke-fueled lifestyle--as were most of the people associated with SNL at the time.  

I agree. Greatest Showman clearly isn’t trying to do anything approaching a biography.  It’s a totally different kind of film, and IMO, an excellent film if you’re into musicals.

Because she’s an “influencer”

Agree. People shouldn’t do things that disrupt the experience for other participants, such as getting up and taking a group selfie in the middle of a ballad in a relatively small venue.

What kind of an 8 year old enjoys a full screening of 2001?  You’d have to think 99.9% of 8 year olds on the planet would find it excruciatingly boring.


Anything Zuckerberg is actively bad for you.


I’m afraid it’s more complicated than that, as history often is. Revolutionary France was actually attacked by all of the crowned states of Europe during the Wars of the First and Second Coalitions. During these conflicts, Napoleon rose through the ranks to eventually wear the imperial crown.

This is kind of a drag.  My kids are 17 and 10, and I’d like to take them because this story is pretty significant historically.  17 year old, no problem.  I’m not sure my 10 year old needs to see naked scientists in IMAX.

Herbert Lom is seriously underrated

She also had remarkably bad teeth from growing up on a sugar plantation.

He was far more of a military genius than Hitler, who wasn’t a military genius at all.  Unlike Hitler, his ambition wasn’t rooted in his hatred.

One of the most brilliant military minds of all time to be sure, but also underrated as a reformer at home.  He never knew when to stop, but there’s no denying his genius.

I didn’t really need to click through the slideshow to know that the ridiculously unfunny The State would be a top selection here, but what kind of alternate reality exists where SNL and SCTV aren’t even in the top 10 of this list?