Mike Bonds

Perhaps a point so subtle it can hardly been detected.

What kind of a parent puts their kid in a Kanye West school?  It’s the kind of decision that calls into question all other decisions.

I think you can put away the flamethrower.  I don’t want another Joker performance either, regardless of who plays them.  It’s just completely overdone, and it’s not a complex character to begin with.  

*******HERE BE SPOILERS********

True, but it wrongfooted critical reviews for this film.  

Paul is superior to everyone. That’s the point of being the Kwisatz Haderach. He’s essentially a superbeing.

That’s just in the source material. Wanting that to be different is really wishing Frank Herbert wrote a different story than the Dune he actually wrote.

It’s a bit of both, IMO. Lynch’s Dune got the sets and scenery right and it was extremely well cast. There’s a bit too much whispery voice-over, but that’s in service to faithfulness to the book which often focuses on character’s thoughts.

Saw this last night and it was fantastic. I think screening at Cannes was a major mistake—that’s not a great audience for franchise films.

Saw this last night and it was fantastic.  I think screening at Cannes was a major mistake--that’s not a great audience for franchise films.

The sequel that no one demanded.  A nation shrugs.

Agree on some of those things, but the Foundation series was high on concept and low on plot. Some changes were going to have to occur for it to be filmable.

Foundation is a very well made show, but it does jump around a lot as the season 1 synopsis here suggests. Hopefully season 2 will be able to be a bit more linear.

I missed The Winds of Winter  on here somehow.

She turned states’, so not surprised.  They need to make sure those Bronfman sisters stay in for all day.  Raniere could never have become what he became without all of that sweet Seagrams’ money fueling the machine.

Thought True Grit was an odd choice, even if I really liked it.  At least the original source material was written by a native Arkansan, the late Charles Portis.

They may be hate watching, but they’re still watching, and that’s what counts.  Most of television is female-driven, and has been for a very long time now.  The people who put these things together know their audiences pretty well.  

This is one of his absolutely best performances.  He often played heavies, but he’s an incredibly charming rascal in this one.  

I think that it looks too much like Inside Out, and audiences were like, “I’ve already seen that movie.”
