Mike Bonds

I always thought it was so weird that some neighborhood bar had essentially a cabaret show. This may have been true of Pittsburgh or somewhere else in the late 70s or early 80s, but I kind of doubt it.

We haven’t had a big kids movie out in a while, which is part of the big numbers here.  No need to panic.

Or the essentially monotonous nature of most rap.  

This is amazing news for record labels.  They’ve always enjoyed the popularity of rap because it all but eliminated musicians and made the front person an interchangeable part.  Now the front person is even more interchangeable.

Naming BoJack Horseman #1 is the most AVClub thing that AVClub has ever done.

So, no Man in the High Castle?

Well, I see George Martin’s found another reason to put off The Winds of Winter.  

If you were into the college music scene in the 90s, they were huge.  If you weren’t--and younger people aren’t obviously--then they’re a band with a few notable songs.

No Stand.  List fail

I just didn’t remember this one song, rather than this entire time period.

Don’t be so hard on chuds, dude

Obligatory “how about we actually finish A Song of Ice and Fire instead” post

I don’t remember this song, but it doesn’t exactly seem like an enduring cultural touchstone.

I think it does, though. They’ve been so dominant that even an ok superhero movie seems disappointing. The market on this has been oversaturated, and theatergoers just aren’t buying in the same quantities.

Quantumania also made the mistake of cutting loose side characters like Luis, Kurt, Jimmy Woo, and even Paxton (the cop/stepdad).  They had a nice little troupe of characters there and just cast them aside.  

Joliet Jake and Elwood Blues is a massive miss.  It’s a one-time duo, but so were others on the list.

It’s pretty weak sauce

List falls apart in 10-20. Some really marginal characters in there.

The original show was a trip; kind of like 1880s science fiction/spy. It’s pretty unique. I disagree about Smith and Kline. I didn’t think they had chemistry on the screen, and Smith was just bad, period. Kline was blah. Would love to have seen a different WWW film with Matthew McConaughey in the lead, with Phillip

Steampunk too way?