
Three Good Dogs say: Urinate on Sports!

So, do I get out of the grays by, like, licking corporate boots now, or what? Seeking clarity.

By week 32, your baby is the size of a Napa cabbage with obvious balls.

The real counterpoint was that the nifty trick play needed Bengals cornerback B.W. Webb to fall down right as he was closing on Cooper Kupp. Otherwise, it would have been an exotic incomplete or 15-yard completion.

Based on the news, she sure does represent a swing district. Hey-oh!

Mih’i gay’n SURcm-STAN-sez

Sabbath isn’t metal! To Sabbath’s credit, it’s crusty-ass blues rock.

If this extends to cutting out the misogynistic and homophobic bullspit, I’m all farking for it.

I mean, it’s all right there in the scouting report:

Just to bring the point into full relief, here’s the career stat line of the dude the Bruins traded during the offseason in 2006:

gripping my shit between my fingers like I’m some fapper

All they were asking was if the gag was intentional, because it looked that way. They were doing their jobs.

God damn that was funny.

Recruiting is a nasty business, and his parents were naive... [S]ociety eats up people in all walks of life.

You can see his feet in his driver’s license photo.

Same. Exact fucking same. I wouldn’t even be mad.

It is amazing how closely even the most successful high school football coaches live to the tracksuit.

+1 for Kinja handle that totally broke my ankles when I got back from lunch.

returned to the team on a three-year deal worth $30 million a month

Then there’s the time Schofield offhandedly mentioned he’s friends with Sonny Vaccaro. Vaccaro is a legend, having organized or invented nearly every modern facet of sneaker marketing and the high school basketball showcase system, and everyone who has coached AAU or had a modicum of success on the scene loves to