If it brings good people to our town and increases our property value, I’m good with that.
If it brings good people to our town and increases our property value, I’m good with that.
All I can muster is that seventh division teams have their own television networks/programming, and that seems crazy.
It’s 2019 and every athlete’s nickname is either their initials or a variant of the ancient “A-Rod” initial/first syllable construct.
1. Best minimum wage job: basic laborer for a general contractor. You work a ton and learn a ton.
prior to the second stoppage the refs asked Gareth Southgate if he wanted to take his team off the field.
All the Bulgarians in these photos look the same to me.
Gaht damn!!
These two men are the absolute cream of the crop of American society.
Dinner for four costs about $15 a night if you buy a pound of nice pasta and a kick-ass sauce. Definitely worth it.
I’m generally willing to hear people out on issues where perspectives differ from mine. A lot of experiences over the years have challenged me to be a better person, to leave old ways of thinking behind, and to listen more and acknowledge my own limits while doing so. It’s been difficult, and it’s cut me down to size,…
That would fuck up everything. Not trying to be a dick here, but there’s no real way to do what you’re suggesting without it affecting the other teams.
This is a stupid opinion, and you are stupid for holding it.
my “Willy Brandt’s handling of the Guillame scandal cemented his place as Germany’s worst ever Chancellor” tweet
Baker Mayfield shook Richard Sherman’s hand, and also he did not.
Let’s watch Zionist Williamson dunk on this guy!!
Sorry if you addressed this in another reply (and thanks for being good about replying to people), but can I ask how “the rules” are being applied to the casters who subsequently lost their work with Blizzard?
Mask truthers are always out there.
Yeah, I don’t really get the blowback. Browns fans and players can’t even feel a little chesty after going from 0-16 in 2017 to 8-7-1 in 2018, and having their most successful season since that 10-win (no playoff) season in 2007?
If you want to make money in 2019, it’s probably gonna come from a sausage factory you’d rather not see the inside of.
Same thought. That’s ridiculous, a friggin DUI is a misdemeanor in a lot of states.