
Another fun fact: WWII did not feature any zombies.

Or turn off cellular data in the Settings>Music screen?

Can’t you just click “Downloaded Music” on the Library screen of Music?

What I’m sort of getting out of these articles is that all servers hate me because I’ve never worked in a restaurant and don’t know the litany of extant unwritten rules.

I do the “backdoor Roth IRA” method, and I wish they’d come up with a less illegal-sounding name for it.

Where are you getting duck fat in sufficient quantities and at a low enough cost that you’re not going poor from using it a quarter cup at a time? Serious question because I’d build a child out of duck fat and love it and care for it and ultimately eat it.

He’s been in office for over a year. Here’s an article from last February talking about how he spent an undisclosed amount of money on his inauguration, which we Missourians were all very pleased about.

I’d assume for purposes of spurring stock sales as opposed to drumming up new business.

I don’t have a dog in this fight, but that’s completely inaccurate. Are Apple Watches flying off the shelves relative to iPhones? No, but nobody should expect that they would.

What’s everybody’s go-to scrambled egg technique? I go 1 tablespoon of heavy cream for every two eggs, whisk it together with some salt and pepper. Then lightly grease the pan with a little olive oil, duck fat, or bacon fat and heat the eggs over the lowest possible flame.

Ricotta! I asked on Twitter a while back - but I totally destroyed a gallon of milk trying to make it once.

A company I used to work for started buying up celebrity domains as they’d lapse and become available. It was legal but clearly super shitty.

I’d love for you to try ricotta if only because I tried to make it on the stovetop and totally scorched a gallon of milk and wanted to die.

When Apple is currently the number two watchmaker in the world - not smartwatch maker, WATCHmaker - behind only Rolex, what makes you think they haven’t figured out the recipe to success?

That’s an exotic dog, but it doesn’t mean it’s any less good

Hi, this is my good dog. That is all.

Jimmy John Liataud, of Jimmy John’s fame, lives (or used to) in the town where I went to college. I worked at a performing arts center on campus, and he was a donor. He’d stroll in late to performances wearing, typically, a Hawaiian shirt and cargo pants, and then demand we let him in despite the fact that it was

It’s almost as if he’s writing an article using relatable terminology.

I’m glad you agree.

I remember distinctly buying and turning on my Nintendo 64 for the first time. I plopped a cartridge in it and played Goldeneye, no setup required.