
I sincerely hope you get hit by a bus that is also on fire. 

This is the dumbest comment I’ve ever seen on a Kinja site, and that is quite an achievement considering some of the morons and trolls that like to post here. You sir, or madam, are an ignoramus. 

Ariana Grande is way hotter.  Oh, and fuck you.

Mr Adams, you are one fuckshit dude. Please kindly fuck off and die in a dumpster somewhere.

Your fucking whataboutism is as disgusting as it is wrong.

Have you ever thought about not being a gormless dipshit?

“Ariana Grande’s Manchester Benefit Concert Raised $13 Million for Victims of the Attack”

oh yeah dude. huge oversight on my part not including a lengthy aside disavowing ariana grande in this post. I'll get right on that 

The odds that he’s bellowed, “Without ‘Dilbert,’ there is no ‘Office Space’!” on more than one occasion are extremely high.

Carmelo was kind of a cranky dick to him, but otherwise I don’t think the Knicks really fucked up too badly (with Lin - they can be blamed heavily for almost everything else). He had a meniscus tear and missed the end of that season just 25 games into “Linsanity,” during which he’d already come back to earth a bit.

Because Carmelo Anthony is a delusion diva and James Dolan is a fucking idiot.

That’s impossible. People like her never have a racist bonefish in their body.

I have anxiety. (finding your child after he attempts suicide will do that to a person) Pretty extreme anxiety. Like have to go find a quiet place and put my head between my knees and practice breathing calmly level anxiety.

“White economic anxiety”

I suffer from extreme anxiety which is not an excuse. I am ashamed of my actions.

Goddamn he’s handsome 

He could beat me with all the rings he wants. 

State-level crime here, yes? Not a federal court? Presidential pardons don’t apply here, right?

Star Peterson, who was injured in the attack, began her statement by addressing Fields.