Irrelevant loser says what?
Karen: “I’m not racist.”
Shutting the fuck up is free but they prefer to pay the price of being caught being racist trash by Black people with cameras on social media instead.
Facts. Abdul-Jabbar put his career on the line as a teenager to stand by his convictions—before forcing a rule change in basketball— and is still, STILL, the all-time leading scorer (LeBron and Durant *might* could catch him but it’s unlikely). He probably personally encountered polio as a kid. He’s not trying to hear…
This is something I never thought I would type: The NFL handled this issue one hundred times better than The NBA. Also any of these fucking self righteous assholes that comes for Kareem better be prepared to be put in a literal body bag. Kareem ain’t no fake activist like some of you. He has built a career off of…
“Dog Shit Karen removed from Park, Park cleaner as a result.”
To our bird watching friend in Central Park this is why you need to show these folks no mercy. The more leniency you show the more they think they are entitled too. They deserve none.
When CBS2 went to the woman’s door for comment, she had nothing to say.
Williamsburg section of Brooklyn
The vaccines are poison (all of them evidently) but horse de-wormer is A-OK. How do these people manage to tie their shoes?
They'd have got me for, like, $20 and a couple of Oh Henry! bars.
yeah, but gay people can act homophobic, like black people can be racist. See: Candace Owens.
His eagerness to step down tells me they have something worse on him that they’re not sharing.
Are you really this fucking dumb?
“Anger” is a bullshit excuse. I’m fucking angry because of racism and nazis.