
The LGBT ‘community’ may not be monolithic, but to be homophobic toward one another?  That’s some self-loathing right there...

1) Martin Luther Karen - I’m dead. 

Well, as my sainted grandmother (RIP) used to say, “Don’t let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash.”  

That’s the sort of finery you can give your all to when the real world hasn’t broken you yet.


She cocked her head more. “Bene,” (Good) I told her. “Bitch, take your motherfucking ass on.”

I also know that all of this notwithstanding, Aaron Schock will get laid by the very people he attempted to disenfranchise because he looks like this...

Incels gonna incel.  

Transphobia’s a poor look on you, friend.

But also:  “How you gonna win when you ain’t right within?”

[Loughlin] still feels it’s a huge misunderstanding

Surely I can’t be the only one who was getting a latent, homoerotic vibe between Technical Boy and Xie.  I’m shipping this so hard... offers a ton of promos/discounts, and I like that their offerings look like something I’d pick up from Pike Place Market, i.e., not the run-of-the-mill selection of bouquets. offers a ton of promos/discounts, and I like that their offerings look like something I’d pick up from


“I know my work helped many, many people because they’ve told me so,” Matheson wrote. ‘But I’m sure I’ve hurt some people too.’”

Somebody Already Broke my Heart, no question.

That line got me feeling like this... 

We’re not the one, Deep Truth! GTFOH

As [Platano Man] tells her the “whole world is laughing at you,” while he continues to record her, she then smacks his headphones out of his hands and then tries to smack his phone out of his hands. Ayala, fed up, shouts, “I’m not the one,” and takes her down to the floor.