
“The problem is, we live in a society which — due to the fact that racism is our status quo — treats calling someone a racist as worse than doing something racist.” NK Jemisin

Save your self-righteousness for your Thanksgiving tables and your Patagonia clearance racks. They don’t owe you shit.

If she styled her own hair, it was unfortunate. If one of her employees styled her hair, that was also unfortunate. Regardless, neither is a resounding endorsement of the salon...

To quote Michael Eric Dyson, “When many people say, let’s get rid of political correctness, that’s a shorthand for, ‘Let me keep on being bigoted the way I was before.’”

GTFOH w/your sea lioning...

Of course, you know that they’ll be fine, that this is a bump in the road, that when privileged white men fall, they somehow fall up as if gravity doesn’t apply.

No, white people will punch you, then turn around and claim they’re the victim because your face hurt their hand...

Of course, people will go, “What about the victims?” But you know what? The victims didn’t have to go through that.

I don’t know you.

When Stevie Wonder clowns you in the middle of your sermon, you know you fucked up.

Nah, I read lips. I think she was saying, “I thought my white privilege was supposed to spare me from a beat down?!”

As my dear old granny said (may she RIP), don’t let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash.

The Trump administration is pushing people out faster than white gentrifiers flocking to Brooklyn...

“This kind of backwards-ass pagentry

“They will introduce the concept of ‘presentism’—the idea that we shouldn’t judge the actions of people in the past using modern-day standards—as if the white people of the past couldn’t quite grasp the idea of inhumanity and brutality until 1861.”

“Papaya Pol Pot” S l a i n

What she posted wasn’t just stupid, it was racist. So miss us with your cooning.

Well, as they say, when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

I’m just mildly surprised there’s a Nordstrom Rack in the state of Missouri...