
Bitchy McSnakeface doesn’t need to be on the cover? Hahahahahaha. And her husband is a svelte genius with sterling morals.

Illegally overstayed her visa and was (according to neighbors in Vanity Fair) known to have lots of very quick dates with old guys. FTFY.

Sorry, but I am still a fan of occasionally being able to look slightly less cadaver white without burning myself to a crisp. FWIW, I don’t look orange.

His incredible drive to be the woooorrrst asshole ever makes him demand the most clownish orange with spray tan goggle white (reverse raccoon) eye area ever seen.

Especially since they avoided being indicted for lying their flat asses off about their devil building (thanks to Fat Hitler’s bribes) just before the election.

Late 1990's: My first husband and I were walking in the early a.m. hours through a very empty corridor of a mall in Orlando near the airport. As we turned a corner, we nearly collided with a massive (made my 5'11" husband look rather short) Bill Murray.

Fire, molten lava and then throw it into a hole so deep that neither man nor beast shall ever hear from it again.

Yeah, she is not the patron saint of intellect, nor am I giving her legal street cred because her dad was a lawyer. A lawyer who helped murderer OJ get out of serving time for killing Nicole Brown Simpson.

The dress is like an explosion of bad taste wrpped in satin. The veil looks like she dared to confront teens who were TP’ing tress n Halloween whilst clutching a roll of netting.

Maybe it’s Maybelline- or garden variety chronic constipation.

Note the resemblance to Hitler’s hair swoopdie side bangs. Plus the reptilian stare of “I hate this fat shit gibbon”. Both heinous looks are irresistible to the average fake millionaire who had a copy of Hitler’s speeches at his bedside-and a Mein Kampf in his glittery shit-bomb of a tacky penthouse.

Thanks, this article really gave me even more seething dislike for the moneyed cretins who game the system with abandon.

Remind me again why William H. Macy isn’t facing any charges? Or is the entitled brat they foisted into a more gifted/honest student’s space not his own? Could it be that he is pulling a Mariah Carey “I don’t know her”???

Am I the only one who wanted to throw things at the TV when the so-called news (nope, not Fox) announced what was in the Mueller report by just seeing the 4 page Burr-shit letter?

Wow! At last Streisand has something to talk about at her weekly “Assholes Anonymous” meeting besides her obnoxious shopping mall basement.

Former Ohio resident-now living elsewhere. I can see how laws like this could make an underground movement of “Tourism” abortions a reality. Go take a few outfits to whatever tourist destination that isn’t ruled by facist pricks and snap a few dozen photos on day one. Have your procedure day two and recover, then fly

We live near/fly in & out of Orlando. it amazes me how many parents are taking babies/toddlers on planes without anything to help their ears adjust to takeoff. The baby that I made faces for& tried to amuse & distract for 3/4 of our last flight was brought on board with a tiny sip left in her bottle & no back up

Thanks- I am now married to Mr. Slap who had also lost a spouse at a young age.

I was newly widowed (late 30's) and having two car payments wasn’t helping my budget. I tried to sell the car to a dealership outright-big mistake. The elderly “southern gentleman” was sympathetic and regaled me with stories of his dear Mama who was widowed.

Gosh, come work for my company. We have two bosses who cover for a bully with narcissistic personality disorder who is soooo abuse/awful that we were forced to have a team meeting (without her) to go over her misdeeds/our issues with her. The managers then annouced that it is up to all of us to “call her on her