
Yep. As his wife and an immigrant, she could bend his ear about his policies if she wanted to - she doesn’t want to.

The staircase giveth and the staircase taketh away

This right here, is the shit.
Melanoma is bitter trump ain’t dead yet.

seeming to hate her husband and her life.

I’m willing to bet that not a lot of the people who worked for Eva Perón, Eva Braun, and Michèle Bennett failed to describe them in glowing terms at the time.

Clinton openly (and successfully, twice) ran on a “you get two for one” platform, with the idea that the First Lady would be his co-worker but we the taxpayers only had to provide one salary. Plus, Hillary got to be the human shield absorbing all the blame trying to reform health care.

I bet she’s a goddamn hoot when she’s with her *cough-cough social-climbing* staff. I’m sure they all think it’s hysterical that those of us who chose not to be eurotrash golddiggers are so upset right now. Just a thought.

No way that birtherism bitch is a fun anything. She’s an evil step mother, with evil step kids. Maybe if King Lear remarried and instead of Goneril and Cordelia, her steps are tweedle-dumb, tweedle-dumber, and wife substitute. Do you think she even knows Tiffany?

THANK YOU! Is she wearing the dress backwards?

Seriously! Jezebel runs the shit out of that photo and it always bugs the hell out of me that the slip dress is so askew. I can understand garments shift during movement, etc, but unless they just had a quickie before emerging onto the street to be papped, this is terrible. The straps are far too narrowly set and the

One bit of advice I read before I got my first dog was crawl around your home/apartment on your hands and knees and see what things could be dangerous. And I have a list on the fridge of things can be poisonous (and animal poison control’s phone number in my phone. Along with every vet in my area and the 24hr

It has nothing to do with being old. You would have to be strapped to a chair with your eyeballs clamped Clockwork Orange style, binge-watching every streaming platform and Instagram in order to keep up with the armies of thirsty “personalities” vying for shares, likes, and mentions these days. OK, and I guess being

How is there not a registry that people can get put on so that no one is allowed to give/sell them a pet? I unabashedly love Courtney Love, but I wouldn’t even approve of her having a plant or a tank of sea monkeys to care for so her having a dog is definitely out of the question.

I had a summer job EDITING A PHONE BOOK. I was given a printed stack about 18" tall, 10 pt font, of requested edits and flagged formatting errors in the previous year’s version, then I used extremely janky software to fix it.

Paper routes were the worst. I was 12-16. Mine was 40 customers, spread out over 4 miles, daily morning delivery, year round in upstate NY. The papers weren’t in plastic bags to huck, no, I had to get off the bike, walk up and tuck it between the storm door and the front door of each customer, pulling my hand out and

Summer between HS and college. (1980 - I am an old.)

I spent three summers as a nurse’s aide in a nursing home specializing in Alzheimer’s patients.

After graduating from a top university a few years ago, I moved home to Southern California in search of a temporary summer job. I ended up working for the ex-stepfather of a high school friend who owned a number of very sketchy maintenance and landscaping companies. Although most of my summer consisted of getting

Working for my dad, a masonry contractor, as a masonry assistant, or “helper,” which meant I mixed up the mortar, set up and loaded the scaffolds, loaded and unloaded equipment, kept the masons supplied with bricks and mortar, etc. In Texas. In the summer. So working for a family member, at a labor-intensive job, in a

I have horrible memories of working in a milk bottling factory one summer as a teenager. Hours screwing caps onto bottles; pushing carts, empty and full, up and down the factory; loading and emptying trucks. All in a half inch of watered down milk, the building built on a slight slope so that everything washes away.