
Maybe Melania should reply to the post about re-inventing yourself over a summer. From failing model with squinty eyes overstaying her immigrant visa to the snaked eyed wife of a treasonous grifting racist turd who was saddened by his installation into our white house.

It will be as chilled out as the stoned tailor who couldn’t make her dress fit in today’s photo-nor make it in a fabric that doesn’t resemble a sad tea cozy.

My sisters all worked at nursing homes & came home telling me the horror stories. Most of them became nurses. They probably still wonder why I  said HELLLLLL nooo to that.

Summer before senior year in high school, tiny Midwest backwoods town. we had a small family owned fast food place nearby that had been sloppily managed. The last time we visited the only employee was sleeping on top of a table. It closed one day without notice or fanfare.

Probably something like the Walmart generic version of Jergen’s. Or a baked goods scented lotion that was bogo at Bath & Body Works.

Was she asking for the manager loudly or asking people if they “know who she is”?

All I can think of when I see the Duggar matriarch is the gross time that my sister worked at a nursing home. She came home late and & said that a little old lady resident had to wear something up her vajay so that it didn’t prolapse and basically plop out after having a slew of kids way back when.

The clock is ticking for his eventual arrest. Tonight’s news, sanctimonious dick from hell caught diddling strangers in a truck stop men’s room.

On a positive note, he is looking a lot more haggard and drawn lately. Fingers crossed that the whole fam damily came with him as what they thought would be the “last good photo op of importance” before he kicks the KFC bucket.

Jeez, even his greasy hair looks like it is trying to run the fuck away from Fat Hitler.

I reallllllllllllly wish that some media giant would get the idea that the majority of us haaaaate this lowlife grifting traitor and make a rule that they can talk about him but NOT show his face or voice.

Is it wrong that I hope his dick suddenly drops off?

My early twenties were not a dating paradise. I met an incredibly gorgeous, well-built (and somehow financially well off) fireman Adonis. After our first date (in which he was quiet but very sweet), I made the mistake of making out with him in his car. Things got very steamy & we went to his place. After an amazing

Shitty jobs and shittier management. But sadly this is alllll around the world of retail and fast food-at least in some companies.

I sometimes wonder of the unfortunate foreign brides are immersed in this hell after being incredibly horrid in another life. But the level of shit-fest endured by soooo many women married to heinous men with bodies resembling freshly salted slugs makes me re-think that. There can’t be that many former life Hitlers

Shitty move#2: The HUD house we loved & meticulously repaired for 5 years was wonderful, but a drug dealer & some other jerks moved in nearby. We worked harder to improve everything before selling & had a bidding war for the house. We tried to negotiate having at least a few days between the closing of our old home &

Shitty move# 1: Our mortgage broker from Hell (fuck you, Pam) kept making us pay $350 extensions to the government so we could stay in the buying process for our HUD home-then we found out that it was her screw-ups that we re costing us so much via the nice rep at HUD. Pam SCREAMED at us both after she learned we had

And his dog poops in the refrigerator after eating a wheel of cheese.

Somewhere in a NYC penthouse, a snickering group of mean spirited MALE fashion rulers are laughing soooo very hard.: “Look, we foisted another blast from the frustrating as hell past on women, bwahahahaha!!!” said Fashion Bastard One.

And most of us want her husband to serve a max sentence.