Natface: Career-Obsessed Banshee

I’m struck my his insistence that he would never harm a child.  I do think he believes he never harmed these boys.  That they loved him, and physically responded to him.  Therefore, it wasn’t wrong.  It was only the small minded who couldn’t see that these were loving relationships.  I do think he believed that.  Its

I wonder how rigorously she researches the ingredients in her fillers.

Our pediatrician does not accept patients who refuse to vaccinate because he’s an actual doctor. My daughter has a classmate with an active case of chickenpox (parents didn’t vaccinate on the *religious* exemption) and they are FURIOUS that she isn’t being allowed back to school for a month. She is covered in welts

I research like a complete and total nerd.

“...his honesty” Please stop confusing “honesty” with “he’s willing to say the racist things out loud that I am too chickenshit to say out loud myself’.

It honestly isn’t. Maybe 20+ years ago, when kids were real fucking dumb (myself included), but 16yo nowadays are fucking connected, informed, and still empathetic (unlike us jaded old fucks).

You go right on ahead and feel bad for her. I’ll be over here figuring out how to keep my bipolar 15 year old alive and hoping against hope that our insurance continues to pay for her new $1000+/month medication. I have no fucking energy to care about some attractive 18 year old with obscenely rich parents. Fuck that.

It will be good for her to be less spoiled.

I can’t really muster sympathy. I don’t wish, like, death or whatever on her because it sounds like she was kind of a dupe rather than a perpetrator. But, most of us* learn painfully that decisions have consequential outcomes, and that usually happens a lot younger than she is now. She’s just been insulated from the

Expell her.  She won't care,  but the students who worked their butts off to get into school- and continue to work hard - will.  She had to go to Fiji for work the day after school started?  How in the hell did this get a pass from the administration and faculty?  Screw her and her trash parents.

This is certainly a lesson these “influencer” kids need to learn. No one would give a damn who they were if it weren’t for their parents. They, themselves, have done nothing. 

Huffman’s kid is a high school senior. She’s not getting expelled - she’s just not getting in anywhere. Acceptances aren’t coming out for weeks. I cannot imagine any school would take her now that all this has come to light. Loughlin’s kids (or a least one) have already graduated, so there’s that. A guy in my

This is what I was thinking. He has a 14 year old daughter, and 14 year old daughters have 14 year old friends. No way in hell I’d let my 14 year old anywhere near this creepy ass fuck.

I know you mean well, and I don’t want to be a prickly jerk (and I am sensitive about this), but this really bothers me:

I am sure this special is super well done, and I did watch that clip, and Oprah is absolutely asking the right questions.

I think that’s probably pretty common. Not only did the parents of both of these men utterly fail them, but enablers often feel like safer/easier targets for victims’ anger than the abusers. That anger is a lot less tied up in the guilt and shame they feel about their abuse. Plus, the dynamic between abused and

Please be gentle with yourself. I’m so sorry that was done to you, and I know how hard it is to face it, even after a long time. You are in my heart and my thoughts. 

Oprah asked tough questions, and they gave satisfactory answers. I thought the documentary laid out the timeline very well and showed where the boys/men were at in their lives during the two trials and why they made the decisions they made.

Yes. And you should too. See also:
-George Pell (Vatican treasurer)
-Jimmy Saville (very famous UK television personality)
-Jerry Sandusky (very famous football coach)
-Bill Cosby (famous actor)
-Harvey Weinstein (Hollywood producer)
-Jeffrey Epstein (billionaire)
-R. Kelly (famous musician)
-Bryan Singer (famous director)

To be clear: as a journalist and a writer you are hurting SURVIVORS and not helping us by using language like “imperfect victims” in your work.