I literally just did this, in the style of Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle, and you're right, MUCH more effective.
I literally just did this, in the style of Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle, and you're right, MUCH more effective.
I'm 25, single, living downtown, and a returning college student. I also volunteer regularly for a mental health nonprofit. I go out several times a week, and have tons of single girlfriends in similar positions who seem perfectly content. I have no foreseeable desire to get married, have children, or move to the…
So, you're planning a video segment where Lindy tries these, right?
That's too cute! Did he wave a baton and everything? :)
*that MTV didn't air, and no one asked for.
I love it! That was extremely relevant to my interests.
It'd be better if the cobbler had made him break out into a spontaneous dance/sax solo.
I'm sorry to hear that. Honestly though, something will likely happen, and his behavior will catch up to him. A healthy dose of consequences makes a world of difference. My grandparents bought my affection for years, so I equated spending money with love. End result? As an adult, my credit is fuuuucked up. And it's no…
I think it becomes abusive when you rescue a kid from EVERY consequence and they get a learned-helplessness mentality as a result. When parents swoop in and save their kid from every mess they make, the implicit message is "we don't believe you're capable of handling this by yourself" which is very infantilizing. to…
I've determined that I'm just not one of those people who can date casually. If I'm spending a lot of time with someone, and we're getting intimate physically or emotionally, and affection's being shared...it doesn't take long before I'm invested. Based on this I have just found that it's better for me to break things…
Or when one of your supposed best friends, when you called her crying (upon admitting to yourself what had really happened) patronizingly informed you that "you wanted it"
*sigh* I agree.
The sunglasses photo kind of makes them look like an army of Walter Whites.
What site do most of you recommend? I'm on a hiatus from okc (for my own sanity) but vaguely considering starting up again in a few months. Any other site I should consider trying?
Gorgeous couple. Also, I'm not crying, it's just raining on my face.
" I don't exist to be the B-character in your story. I exist to be the A-character in my own story."
That rubber duck is by FAR the worst.
Gif of the day.
I dated a guy a few years ago who was rather sizeable (to the point of discomfort/frequent hitting of my cervix from a LOT of positions) and ALSO had a Prince Albert. He was fond of boasting that MOST women he was with would have 15 or 16 orgasms in one session, via penetration only. I didn't have the heart then to…