Natalie Portmanteau

this moron can’t even get through a basic intelligence briefing without colorful pictures and a tablecloth to draw on.

More raisist than sexist but whatever.

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?

In before the debate even gets started.

Last time it’s on that cameras, and it’s a big sad, m’kay?

Hap. :(

Yeah, that video would have won her the election, hot take.

Fun Fact: the creator of Wonder Woman believed that during intercourse the penis wasn’t penetrating the vagina, but rather that the vagina was devouring the penis. This Wonder Woman’s lasso becomes a symbol of the power (and weaponization) of the vagina. Kinda badass, IMO.

Jesus. You know what else has “beautiful curves” to contrast with the “straight lines of the product?”

So, when Scalia died, all my friends were like, WHOO HOO! PARTY TIME IN AMERICA! I quietly said nothing, and although I agreed with the sentiment that the SCOTUS and country are better off without him anywhere near a position of power, I recognized that he was still a human person deserving of basic human dignity (we

Fitz comes from “fils.” In terms of its origin, it means “son.” William’s son, Fitzwilliam. Often kings’ unacknowledged sons were called Fitzroy.

Can we just skip the impeachment and annul this presidency? I’d say we could just abort it, but we’re in the second trimester, and Paul Ryan is going to make sure we carry it to term, even if it kills us.

I saw a male friend of mine on FB talking with one of his friends about last night’s episode and how “no one needs to see that” and they’ll probably quit watching. It’s not lost on me that these are the same type who have considered similar reactions to GoT’s gratuitous rape as “overreaction.”

This had to get posted eventually.

oh, and does anyone else REALLY wish Laura would clearly say “puppy” instead of making it sound halfway between “papi” and “poppy”?

Dicks aside, I’m amazed this turned out to be so good. I was very, very worried - so much of the book is about tone - and they’ve captured it perfectly. The lighting people need all the awards.

I know this to be true, because I was a cocktail waitress at Cardwell’s in St. Louis in the ‘90's when one Mr. Jon Hamm was a waiter there. Also, he has been in my kitchen (my roommate was the costume designer of a play he was in, and roomie threw the cast party at our apartment).

I waited on John Hamm at the Breslin back in the day and he was so fucking nice. His table was wobbling and he wouldn’t let me put the shim under myself, he took it and did it and said “I waited tables for a long time.” He was a joy the rest of lunch and then tipped 100% on his meal. I would give up my left nut to

Can we talk about how enjoyable this episode was. As if I need another reason to love Chris Pine. The autoshop and the The Boy is Mine slits were hilarious!