Embarrassing but true story, made less so by the fact that I was on much, many pain killers. Keanu and I both had spinal surgeries on the same day. I sent him a note asking if he wanted to neck.
Embarrassing but true story, made less so by the fact that I was on much, many pain killers. Keanu and I both had spinal surgeries on the same day. I sent him a note asking if he wanted to neck.
Two things: 1) Why is Keanu so worried about aging since he’s obviously a vampire? 2) 52 year old, long haired Keanu is HOT
Keanu is the greatest and the loveliest and I am so happy he is finally getting the respect as a performer he deserves. That’s all!
I fucking love Keanu Reeves.
All that shit is fake. Nails, eyelashes, long-ass hair. I just don’t want you to feel inadequate about something you could only match with a lot of money and time. Rihanna is still a goddess.
Thong thong thong thong WRONG
Shout-out to Peter Alexander for calling out baby hands claim about winning the biggest electoral college since Reagan.
I’ve been poly for years, and most of my friends practice some form of non monogamy as well. It’s not harder, per se, just different.
I think it suggests that everybody is different and has different experiences with marriage and with everything else.
Why is this comment so far down the list? Is there no justice in the world?
I literally just about have a stroke every time I turn on the news. I used to love the news. I enjoyed keeping up with events. Now I just feel like I am in a Kafka novel.
Orange is the new alt-white.
Who of us hasn’t begged an author to be let out of the greys? The kinja version of a knighthood. Some with more success that others.
i’ve read joust about all i can about this stupid topic. david, sir, i suggest that you take a page from my book, armor yourself against future attacks, and simply let these russian hackers shout themselves horse with these baseless accusations, and know that you gauntlet their words get you down.
in one email he wrote, “Unless it’s a knighthood fuck off”
I think with the level of awfulness happening in the world, this merits little more than a bemused smile.
I’m not totally going to trash melania for the sins of her husband. I would be a hypocrite if I did because I told people to not do that with bill and hill.
Is that a clip out of Fantasia’s Night on Bald Mountain segment?
I don’t get why people want to cut her slack. She’s totally evil too, and complicit in this shitstorm.