Natalie Portmanteau

I feel like a pathetic, weak coward as I write this, but yesterday as a teacher I did... nothing. I live in a deeply red area, and I can’t afford to lose my job, so I told my students that I couldn’t comment on the election, and I tried to proceed as normal. Before first period, a few other teachers and I huddled

Hopefully today will be my first full day of work. Yesterday I was sent home, “not as a reprimand, but to calm down and get some perspective.”

Temporarily living here in oklahoma (thankfully we move every three years and it is coming). Had to leave the house today and someone had written boo hoo Hillary all over their car in a parking lot. Puffy eyed, exhausted, full of pity for myself after lying to my children (one who is on the spectrum and a bully of the

January 20, 2017 seems like a good an air date as any.

Yo fuck that douche and why the fuck hasn’t Jez banned him yet?

1. May it spread

I am feeling more numb today than I thought I would. I’m still trying to understand how my family voted for this. I feel so disconnected from them. I keep hearing how this election shouldn’t break up families and friendships but this wasn’t about Republicans vs. Democrats. This was about morals, ethics, and basic

Now playing

Ok, this is cute. It’s a piglet and kitten at a rescue shelter who became best friends:

I’m not sure if she was the first of anything, but Tammy Duckworth won her seat in Illinois. But I keep checking just to make sure it’s really true.

I am proud to have voted for Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton. And my bright spot in this is the fact that my little girl has spent the last weeks saying she wanted to be “the first girl president.” And I didn’t know what to say to her. But now I do. #Sophie2052

lol love you Barack but no we don’t. Our fellow citizens are racist, sexist assholes. And the ones who aren’t racist and sexist are at a minimum incredibly selfish and self-serving and they can all get fucked.

After abortion access has been fucked. After gay rights are rolled back to the 90s. After 4 years of stop and frisk. After starting a land war in Syria and who the fuck knows where else. After we bomb cities full of non combatants with no warning. After we commit atrocities against Latino undocumented immigrants by

Please, please, PLEASE everyone, for the love of all that is holy, keep that asshole troll Locomotive Jones in the greys, do NOT engage with him and DISMISS his replies to you!


I voted for Clinton the Working Families ticket. Because, as this viral twete puts it,

I picture ALL these people writing their emails on the toilet.

This is very interesting to me. I had never heard cranberries could CURE a UTI, only that they could maybe prevent them (pharmacist told me to take a supplement after my last infection, to avoid more). And I’ve known that most cranberry juices (looking at you, Ocean Spray) have so much added sugar that they do more

UTIs are one sex ed thing I wish I was told as a kid. I was convinced I had some kind of sexually transmitted disease the first time I had one. I only get them after unprotected sex, so naturally I was certain I was going to die waiting in that doctors office.

The first time I got a UTI in college the very unhelpful nurse told me to just have less frequent sex. AS IF.

Exactly. While I’m glad she voted for Hillary, she acts like Trump is an aberration of the party and not the standard bearer.