Natalie Portmanteau

It’s true though! They all saw a documentary about it! Jeff Goldblum was there!

A single day adult ticket is $40! I’m torn between whether it’s designed the fleece the faithful, or discourage haters from coming to the ark solely to mock it.

Collins said in court papers she’s now remorseful for her actions.

How quickly people forget...

Clueless American here, so feel free to point out how I’m wrong - but this strikes me as some men (Boris, Nigel, etc) made a big mess then walked away, leaving it for the women to clean up.

1. He is racist.

The commercial for this show is also completely unwatchable. “I think...blah blah blah, I think....blah blah blah.” Who is this boring old white man and why should I care about his opinion on anything? I anticipated the show is just him shaking his walking cane and shouting angrily. From Bobby’s review, it sounds like

Hmmm... Describes self as “a female”. Very suspicious. Very suspicious indeed....

this is a great post but the angry comments are even better

She’s still young and hot enough for Ailes to maintain hope for the future. Carlson had already passed her sell-by date.

What just floors me- and it shouldn’t, I should be used to it, but it does, is that there are two instant reactions I see from a certain group of people whenever these tragedies happen:

Good for Gretchen for coming forward and empowering all these other women to speak up. I hope they bury him in lawsuits.

Things Ronaldo is better at than Messi:

“How dare crooked criminal Hilary Clinton adopt a policy proposal modified from that of the candidate I supported! DOES SHE THINK SHE CAN BUY OUR VOTES THROUGH ACTUALLY MAYBE ENACTING THE POLICIES WE REALLY REALLY WANT?!?!” - how you are about to sound, probably, so maybe don’t.

*Tom Selleck

blind application process

This is honestly the best series that jezebel has put out in a long time. I am struggling with alcohol at the moment. I don’t really even like drinking and I don’t like who I am when I drink, but occasionally I’ll find myself in a situation and drink too fast, too much... and then I’ll be in this shame spiral for so

Well, finally that’s all over and we will never, ever hear about Clinton’s emails again.

I traveled to Europe in 1993 — at the very same time as the Balkan Wars! I was in the middle of it, in France, Germany and the Netherlands, a major player in that epic struggle for freedom. If the Serbs had found me, in Paris, they would have surely paraded my head on a spike down the streets of, I dunno, Lyon? The

Zambillion Little Pieces.