Natalie Portmanteau

From regret. Seriously. Some women who had abortions later said they regretted them, and therefore, no other women should be allowed to make choices because there is a possibility that they, too, will regret them.

“It’s lonely over here in the pro-life camp,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America”

Anyone that brags about the number of guns they have should not be allowed to own guns.

Meh. Saying something ugly and regrettable in the heat of the moment kind of pales in comparison to murdering your children.

Of all the places for Suge Knight to be shot seven times, it happened at a Chris Brown party. Way to ruin your street cred, Suge.

Now playing

For anyone who doesn’t have Spotify, like myself

“It is estimated most science fiction movies only use ten percent of their recycled tropes’ capacity. Imagine if we could access 100 percent of those tropes. Interesting things begin to happen.”

Also I totally teared up when Dany gave Tyrion the pin. She’s literally the first person to ever actually value his talents instead of treating him like an unsightly placeholder.

I just want to know if Tommen’s cat, Ser Pounce, is still alive. If so, who will take care of him?

Margaery :’(

Just give Lady Mormont a few years


So in less than three weeks, my divorce from my abuser will be final. I am so freaking excited, y’all! How should I celebrate? My kid will be out of town with her grandparents, so what should I do? I thought maybe I’d feed my wedding ring to an alligator, then wrestle the alligator, then kill and eat the alligator,

I feel selfish for complaining about this with every thing else that’s going on in the world, but I’m at home with my sick cat, who I think I am going to have to say goodbye to on Monday, and need to get it out somewhere.

Hi Jez friends! This is your Brag Thread! Any grand accomplishments, big or small, that you haven’t had a chance to brag about yet? My brag: I got ungreyed here!!! Yay! Can’t wait to read your brags. ♡

I don't know a lot about him but I get the feeling Khan is the English Obama: sensible, reassuring and most likely loathed by conservatives.

“So, yeah, quite worried now.”

Thunderdome. Only we rig it so that two enter and none come out.