Natalie Portmanteau

It is mind blowing that people think this is a good thing. I am just sitting here stunned. The markets are reacting terribly, good luck with trade, Scotland is going to leave the UK for sure while Ireland made rumblings a few hours ago that they will explore their options as well. The whole thing is just jaw dropping.

Which one of those doors is locked? Because that’s the one I’m inevitably going to try to walk through first.

Yo Abby. I’m white and hella average too. No need to be bitter about it.

I was so hoping that Rebel Wilson’s domestic enemy would be Freelee and the vegan banana people.

“people hoping Calvin Harris does a petty revenge song with Katy Perry”

FUCK HE WAS IN MY CITY LASTNIGHT AND I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT?!!?!?!?!! I mean I may not look like T. Swift but I can give a helluva blow job. Wait, no, really I’m not that good at blow jobs either I am just very enthusiastic. Well, wait. No, I’m not enthusiastic about giving them, but I’m very excited at the prospect of

It has been estimated that the risk of abuse for both boys and girls raises by almost 30 percent when a male who is not a biological relative is living in the home :/ I can’t imagine a sadder statistic. I will forever wish I could save them all.

Is anyone else tired of being a member of the female sex? Anyone else tired and depressed and disgusted by these continuous and never-ending stories of men doing inexplicable things to girls/women simply because they can? Is it affecting you to the point that you can't interact with people anymore? Because I am about

I liked the original Ghostbusters! This one looks terrible. Look, they can try to copy it but there are just some fundamental differences between male and female actors. Like in the original, the men fought ghosts. Cool, right? Well in this one, the women are just fighting their urge for chocolate. ACK! Boring. Every

Question to that guy: How could it be ruined though, since YOU’RE SO OBVIOUSLY STILL A CHILD?

Hillary Clinton was born in Nairobi. You heard it here, first.

I saw the Wild Wild West in the theater with my parents.

tfw they’re pulling on three

the script is actually a step up imo

I’m nearly 2 years sober, and this still hit me hard. No matter how far along you are in your journey, sometimes you just need a reminder that you aren’t alone.

It’s actually true— the ambulance didn’t come equipped with a time machine to go back two weeks so his parents could take him to a doctor.

I love that Tyrion told Dany straight up that she was sounding like her crazy, murder-happ father and she should probably tone it down a little.

Regarding Wun Wun- I’m sad to see him go, but it really needed to happen. Dude was DEPRESSED. He was The Last Giant and it showed. I can’t imagine the constant existential horror of being the last of your species. And when he did die, he did so with his leader and the Lord of Winterfell (possibly the Prince Who Was

Girl, if R+L=J then he’s her NEPHEW.