Just make sure you spray that silver paint on your mouth beforehand !
Just make sure you spray that silver paint on your mouth beforehand !
I waited all weekend for a Jez article about this movie and I AM. NOT. DISAPPOINTED!!
I just loved every minute of it! The explosions! The cars! The amazing ladies! Charlize Theronnnnnnn. Lil Nuxie with his pals Larry and Barry! Flaming guitar guy! Bullet farmers???? The fat guy with the nips cut out of his shirt. The Vuvalini! AMAZING TOM HARDY OF COURSE. I’m getting all worked up thinking about it! I…
IS IT TOO LATE TO TALK ABOUT IT cause I just got home and am a lil drunk but I WANNA TALK ABOUT IT
CROCK POT. I am not the most gourmet cook out there but you can make seriously amazing things with the crock pot that are so easy. Provided you have one, of course. If you don’t, I’d say it’s a worthy investment! I have America’s Test Kitchen Slow Cooker Revolution and it’s great.
MAD MAX IS SO GOOD I am very excited that you are going to see it because everyone should see it. Because it is SO GOOD
I’ve never cried harder at the television than I have whilst watching Pitbulls and Parolees. The episodes when they went to New Orleans killed me.
Aww Nana :(
I’ve been there sorta, but don’t really have any sage advice :( If you can, just ignoring him might be the best option. Just getting you to respond will probably stroke that dumb ego of his, no matter if it’s to say OK or F OFF :\
I ran a 10k today! It was on the beach and it was beautiful and I beat my previous time by a whole five minutes! I am very tired now.
OH MY WHAAAAT. He was Wallace???? Wow I am slow on the uptake.
Haha that would be the most tragic existence. “I’m so cute!” *faints* “Wha... Ah no, I’m still cute!” *faints*
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah SO CUTE *faints*
What are the ones you know of? I know Starbucks sells water bottled in CA (shame!) but I don’t know of any other ones. I haven’t really spent a whole lotta time investigating though.
I love it but I am also really bummed out by it! How does that work even.
I want to wear that on my bodyyyyy
Lotta haters out here! I think she looks incredible but I am blissfully ignorant of who wore what when so what do I know (nothing, that's what).
That's what I was hoping for too :(
Oh man. I really want that now.