
Great write up but given reviews of this have been EVERYWHERE in motoring journo-land for the last couple of’s the problem I have. This car is great, looks cool and is probably the future blah blah blah.’s $150,900 and $185,000 respectively. Because of course it is. It’s a Porsche! I’m not a

Somebody touches them and the entire car collapses. When somebody hits me, I want to be in as close to an army tank as possible.

Edward Niedermeyer Is the quack that has made a career about attacking Tesla Motors and anything Tesla. I remember his hit piece about Electrek connection with Tesla (see link below). I am surprised that Jalopnik would promote this quacks book.

Is there really a lot of resistance to the reality of Iran’s involvement? On day one there was, because of the lack of info, and the Houthies with their hand up. But now it seems fairly solid where these came from.

It has to be that big. Twice a year I tow a 12-foot travel trailer. 

As someone who grew up in Germany, you could have just asked me.

Let’s start with:

Don't apologise for shit Hogan. You spoke the truth and Audi fed you marketing garbage. Tesla for all their faults, has absolutely destroyed in battery and motor tech.

The Model 3 has routinely beat the BMW M3 at head to head track matchups for auto magazines. The delta grows the more tight and technical the track is.

Or maybe it is because Tesla has better aerodynamics along with more efficient inverters and motors (especially on the Model3, which has bled back to the S/X).

500KM, from Munich to Milan, 4 countries, 2 climate zones, up to 1Km altitude difference in-between.

If you were actually in the market for an EV you’d already have a Tesla.

That looks like Hurricane Dorian's path toward...

Other drivers said I was daft to park a Buick on a swamp, but I parked it all the same, just to show ‘em. It sank into the swamp. So, I parked a second one. That sank into the swamp. So, I parked a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp, but the fourth

Or.. they mean.. Hey, maybe you should change your mind about irrationally hating people, join the 20th century.... and not be a permanent boil on humanity.  If those words offend.. you may be the problem.. (glad ya brought the nomex) 

Thanks to decisions like those, for the first time in my life, i don’t care about BMW at all. I still love the classics, but anything recent is just boring to me. Even the M-cars don’t do much for me anymore. 

Most accurate repose around. Thanks for having a real unbiased response on why a new 3 even for a few bucks more is better than this s. The reasons are it is just a better car. I know a few people that have both the 3 and the s who said they will buy another 3 in place of the s going forward.


It very well may have been limited to 5 over on this road, but you can use the accelerator while on AP and it won’t shut off the AP. There are a few roads around where I live where the car doesn’t have right speed limit loaded in, so I do this regularly.