
As much as I despise Elon Musk, one thing you have to give Tesla is that their vehicles are very efficient in terms of miles per kwh. Both the Jaguar iPace and Audi eTron are very inefficient in comparison.

I really don’t get that. I mean, the Patriots suck, but...why are you rooting against an American company that’s building the first truly innovative cars in 50 years? And why does it make you happy to see them fail?

The irrational hatred of Tesla is one of those things I find deeply puzzling. There are perfectly

This has been my problem with the news that every automaker is about to make a “Tesla Killer.” It’s so many years away. 2023? That’s 4 years from now. 

I actually like the face?

1st Gear: Yes, car makers are making too many cars, but not just that, they are making too many of the same car.

If anything, the fuel economy standards are not strict enough. You can meet the standards without a single electric car. In some categories like large light trucks, you can even do it without a single hybrid!

So the Model-Y is banking on cool factor alone.

Until they figure out they can count on Americans’ awful memory and just be hypocrites.

Official That Guy™️ Comment.

I’m gonna take a picture of my parking lot at work some day for you. Show all the pavement princesses taking up too many parking spaces.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

You won’t know what you want in an electric car until you try using one for a while. Personally, I want a convertible EV.  

This list is a great example of why companies don’t listen to people, and rightfully so. No one fully thinks through their idea and how it would work fully implemented or how well it would appeal to the masses. There are even competing ideas in this list.

Count how many times you drive away without remembering to unplug.

80 db is the level of a dishwasher. 95 db is a subway train. The difference is about 6x, the scale is not linear.

Here’s how most of my email correspondence goes with dealers:

Absolutely not possible. Everyone in Houston is an incredible driver.

don’t realize that they’re not really Car People”

Don’t worry. By 2 PM, they will have published a piece reversing their reversal of opinion and pointing out that, actually, Pelosi is still a worthless centrist third way piece of shit and Schumer can fall down a well.

My point is that the poster who I assume is progressive (based on them indentifying with Splinter’s classification of Pelosi and Schumer), is suggesting that as a strategy for responding to Trump’s demands for border wall funding.