Nas Who

As a little kid, I made my big brother bail on Outbreak because I couldn’t handle the scenes of people dying. Maybe my teenage siblings shouldn’t have taken me to see it but I love those guys so nahhhhh.

I was super-surprised when they killed him off in Blackest Night. Firstly because it felt like a weird book for that character to die in, and secondly because they killed him at all. I assume though that there was going to be a larger arc involving his death/resurrection in the main JSA book after Blackest Night. And

Exactly what I was thinking. Even when that series was off (the Gog storyline dragged) the characters were so engaging and interesting that each issue was always worth a read. I miss it a ton.

PS. I forgot to mention that one of the terminators is a CGI young Arnold in drag.”

It’s interesting how a lot of the responses to this suggestion make reference to the changes made to the climax (which actually is pretty reasonable) but that’s really the only time this movie worked to adapt the material. Every other aspect of it is so literally taken from the comic that it actually misses the point

I spend many an awkward moment at dinner in the presence of someone whose company I deeply enjoy, but who has a horrible habit of cutting off or criticizing the women at the table. It’s something we often try to address but I can tell he doesn’t quite register it as behavior worth altering because he doesn’t believe

The last volume of Ultimate Spider-Man really did feel like Bendis had something very particular in mind that he never quite got around to revealing the way he’d planned. Probably because Secret Wars was coming up, so setting things up he’d never get to address would have been pointless. So Ultimate Peter was, maybe,

While the Kirby cover is more of a classic, I do love the way the Ditko take has this sense of urgency and horror. Spider-Man here isn’t heroic. He’s the long-legged guy who swoops down and grabs a guy and leaves the city running in a panic. It’s pretty clear how much of the DNA of the character is in this image,

This will have to be about Han and the “ex” wife they introduced for him in the comics. Presumably Finn, John Boyega’s character, is their kid. So it would make sense for them to tell this specific story within the context of the new trilogy.

This reads like Geoff Johns having a laugh. I doubt they’ll follow up on this. Right?

It doesn’t necessarily have a Smallville-style effect on human beings, but it has been shown to be highly radioactive even when handled by humans. Lex wore a small chunk of kryptonite in a ring to piss off Superman, for example, and long term exposure ended up giving him cancer.

Because Zack Snyder is directing your nightmare?

Apparently, Anka and Wada pulled the plug themselves.

“Look, it’s taken Marvel a decade to get up the nerve to make Back Panther and Captain Marvel movies—the idea of a film actually starring a homosexual superhero probably scares the hell out of them.”

Man, 2015 would have been the perfect year to do a reboot where someone travels back to meet their father in 1985, right?

The last one of these DC animated films I watched was Flashpoint (and only then because I had to for a review) and that was gruesome. There was even a shot through a bullet hole in Reverse-Flash’s exploded head during the climax. But yeah, taking this story into the realm of, “Oh Batman was raped and enjoyed it” just

I sat through the Fury Road credits twice to see my buddy’s name come up. The second time, though, we had like 20+ friends with us to give him a surprise standing ovation. It was pretty great.

Obviously design preference here is deeply personal. I prefer sleek superhero outfits (unless maybe you’re Batman or Iron Man) that cover like 90% of the hero’s body. That, to me, says “superhero costume”. But the stories tied to most of these look really good so all praise to DC for experimenting and doing a lot more

I imagine DC/Warner looked at Guardians’ success and is (perhaps wrongly?) considering that what made it work were characters like Groot and Rocket. Of course, the last movie tried to have Hal play off his human friends a lot more and it ended up confining him to his apartment when he should have been flying through

Hal Jordan should’ve been Star Lord before the Legendary Star Lord was Star Lord.