
He's the one backtracking on social media for approval. Take his cock out your mouth.

You're right! He is a weak willed hack!

it's hilarious how he goes to bat for fellow comedians that can barely stand him. He has the type of thin skin internet trolls salivate over despite his delusions of being provocative.

No snob, but Coors, Pabst, and Budweiser cut corners they really shouldn't and there are so many enjoyable ways to get smashed these days.

Conclusion: Amber was the color of the inner beams.

He looks like he's jonesing for a Faygo and old cheese fries.

This is really enjoyable in a lazy sunday afternoon with lots of weed and booze kind of way. Now I want to watch the Langoliers.

His crimes aren't yours. If anything, he betrayed our trust through his art. All you have to do is believe a woman isn't lying was about her sexual abuse and you fucking refuse to do it.

Ernie's complaints from the first Ghostbusters movie doesn't help either. For all the jokes over neck beards being behind the times, it's disappointing how little has change when it's comes to handling black characters even in progressive movies.

I can't imagine going through prison for a movie that will leak. This all goes back to gun control.

Yeah, ironically keeping up with celeb lives is still feeding in to that shit.

I thought StarWipe was a pop up ad up until this comment. Awkward.

"you'll never shine if you don't glow" - John Lennon, probably.

an excellent point.

Calarts had a great presentation about it. They have executives and teachers that are willing to take more chances with men's work and give them more advice than women much like the movie industry, but they're trying to change. There's wasn't any anger, it was just about recognizing bias and telling new stories with

I can see why they hate their earlier episodes.

Most of the women I know in the animation industry are in the paint/design department with a few in management positions. They are taught to draw more than they are to pitch and that can be changed if we quit excusing a risk adversed industry.

The UPN movie with Eric Roberts still makes me giggle. All of those awful tv movies bring back memories.

It explains Jay Leno.