
I thought this was going to be about the hilarious Butterfly Effect. meh.

Pretty sure I heard three hams will surely thrill him.

I got my grandma to buy me the VHS tape after telling her they were the rugrats when I was 9.

The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre is becoming a series?! neat.

They've grown on me a bit since I wrote this comment, but i'm still find myself skipping tracks. Maybe their best is yet to come.

Nah, I'm good.

Axl Rose will be that someone. Uglier than he was before. We have the technology to photoshop him fatter, sloppier, faster...

But tone deaf dick is the official language of the mainland. Who would have thought a post about domestic violence and restraining orders would be SERIOUS1!1 I feel so blindsided! *sobs*

Mel Gibson and RDJ are waiting for him with open arms.

They're not humorless. You're just a fuckwit that can't read a room or for comprehension.

So you're saying subconscious sexism is on the same level as alluding to someone participating in a punishable crime? You guys sure are bending over backwards to defend a tone deaf youtube "review".

Shocked this isn't in the "Great Job, Internet!" category.

It doesn't matter how calm he was, saying "At least Harold Ramis wasn't alive for this" gives off that impression even if you don't see any sexism.

Pretty much. Saying the new Ghostbusters movie doesn't look good isn't a hot take, but saying shit at least like Harold Ramis wasn't alive to see this after he lost his life to a painful disease is indefensible neckbeard nonsense.

Exactly. Who the the hell is he to speak on the behalf of Harold Ramis? Bill Murray visited him on his deathbed and is in the new movie. How was that not pretentious? I guess being kinda meek is enough for people to gloss over everything else, but it was not a reasonable dismissal of the movie.

it can never be two things with these people. Well, if I didn't react that way that automatically means no one did and every complaint is unfounded!

I though James Rolfe crashed and burned with Doug Walker. themoreyouknow.gif

There's a boy that wants to see you out back. He has treats!

I can't take the anti pc police seriously. Instead of brushing sjw off like they would a bike joke against a black person, they cry and write essays over it. It's not about the comedy, It's just thinly disguised asspain from people that aren't used to getting jokes at their expense.

STARS: They die just like us!
Tonight at 8pm